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Niploading of SymSizers - problems, corrections and maintenance

Niploading of SymSizers - problems, corrections and maintenance

Nip loading varies based on the type of size / coating applied, the roll crowns and the incoming sheet. Wrinkles, skewing and e-nip profiles are important.

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Achieving boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology)

Achieving boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology)

The primary goal of a boiler tune-up is to improve efficiency with respect to combustion operations by re-establishing the air-fuel mixture for the operating range of the boiler and balance oxygen and unburned fuel.

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Coater backing roll showers - purpose, layout and setup

Coater backing roll showers - purpose, layout and setup

Showers on the coater backing roll lubricate, cool and prevent coating buildup. This extends roll lifetime and can reduce coater-related sheet breaks.

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Dryer can warm-up / cooldown guidelines and typical procedure

Dryer can warm-up / cooldown guidelines and typical procedure

The purpose of dryer can warm-up/cooldown procedures is to permit uniform expansion or contraction of all components of the dryer system in order to minimize thermal stresses in the equipment.

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The mechanism, need for and effect of reel drum grooving

The mechanism, need for and effect of reel drum grooving

As machine speed increases and sheet porosity decreases grooving of the reel drum becomes necessary in order to avoid sheet wrinkles, sheet breaks and quality defects.

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Conversion projects open the door to new opportunities

Conversion projects open the door to new opportunities

Rather than permanently idling a paper machine, why not move into a growing market such as packaging?

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Optimize doctoring performance and lower total cost of ownership

Optimize doctoring performance and lower total cost of ownership

Every doctoring process can be improved. The usual investments required are minimal. Optimizing your doctoring processes results in better runnability, improved quality, optimal production efficiency, reduced maintenance costs and improved safety and environmental effect.

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Helpful tips on retention chemistry, coagulants, starch, etc.

Helpful tips on retention chemistry, coagulants, starch, etc.

Most microparticle systems are based on anionic products, silica, micropolymers and bentonite. Retention aid systems involve coagulants, macroflocculants and microflocculants.

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Valmet Performance Center - process support agreement case study

Valmet Performance Center - process support agreement case study

The Valmet Performance Center is described, including how it works and actual results we have achieved with a customer while operating under a Performance Agreement.

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