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Troubleshooting chronic wrinkling on a size press, case study

Troubleshooting chronic wrinkling on a size press, case study

Valmet investigated an issue where a size press was having wrinkling when the nip closed and before the applicator beam was loaded. The culprit was hydraulic.

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Reel primary arm synchronization avoids bottom jumbo reel losses

Reel primary arm synchronization avoids bottom jumbo reel losses

If you suspect that you are losing excessive paper on the bottoms of your jumbo rolls, the primary arms may be the culprit. Primary arm synchronization is critical for the reel to function properly during turn-up situations.

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Valve expertise secures Naantali power plant’s reliability

Valve expertise secures Naantali power plant’s reliability

The power plant process involves challenging conditions, and the plant must remain on stream continuously. Control valves are a small but important part of the process: they control flow and keep the power plant’s process stable, helping to ensure that the plant operates efficiently. This is why Neles’ valves were chosen for Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto Oy’s (TSE) new power plant in Naantali, Finland.

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Reliable future-proof investment of one of the world’s leading accelerator centers

Reliable future-proof investment of one of the world’s leading accelerator centers

Adapting to changing operating condition is crucial when it comes to the control of refrigeration plants for accelerators. To meet the ...

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Cybersecurity – a responsibility of top management

Cybersecurity – a responsibility of top management

Cyberthreats are an increasing phenomenon in today’s digitalized and connected operating environment. The same technologies that have enabled business transformation also enable or create cybercrime. Cyberattacks or breaches can, in the worst case, be devastating to a company. That is why cybersecurity should have high priority on the agendas of top management and boards.

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The advantages of mill-wide optimization

The advantages of mill-wide optimization

The development of the Industrial Internet in the direction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and autonomous mills will enable mill-wide optimization of processes. Good examples of this and good results can already be seen in the energy industry, which has been taking concrete steps toward this target with centralized remote control rooms and daily heat network optimization.

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How to improve turbine efficiency

How to improve turbine efficiency

In the power and gas turbine market, competition among turbine and compressor manufacturers has become more challenging. Decisions are driven mainly by price and efficiency. Saving costs by selecting the correct application-based control and safety valves has become more important. New valve technologies and new valve designs help increase turbine efficiency and reduce costs while improving safety, for example, by installing a faster pressure relief in the case of a trip in a compressor or a gas turbine compressor.

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Suzano advances towards Industry 4.0

Suzano advances towards Industry 4.0

The Imperatriz Unit in Maranhão has adopted a solution that predicts faults in high criticality processes and reduces downtime for automatic on-off type valves.

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ValveTriage Service manages instrumentation and control valve performance by process data analysis

ValveTriage Service manages instrumentation and control valve performance by process data analysis

Control valves and measurement instruments are critical pieces of equipment in industrial processes. Problems in these make the rest of ...

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Fulfilling the stringent requirements at PTA plants

Fulfilling the stringent requirements at PTA plants

Fulfilling the stringent requirements at PTA plants

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