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Breast roll shaker improves paper quality and refiner rebuild gives energy savings in Hankuk Paper

Breast roll shaker improves paper quality and refiner rebuild gives energy savings in Hankuk Paper

Onsan mill removes product quality limitations and saves EUR 50,000 in annual energy costs.

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You can make a CO2 neutral choice

You can make a CO2 neutral choice

Climate change is forcing the world to find resource-efficient, clean and intelligent solutions to produce CO2 neutral energy. Energy producers have the power to make a difference with their choices – but also an opportunity to benefit from the situation.

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Valmet to supply feeding system for the new Red Rock Biofuel’s biorefinery in Lakeview, Oregon, United States

Valmet will supply a pressure plug screw feeder system to IR1 Group LLC for the Red Rock Biofuel’s biorefinery under construction in Lakeview, Oregon, U.S.A.

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IAS gets new life with systematic upgrades

IAS gets new life with systematic upgrades

Computer-based technologies are evolving quickly to supply shipowners with more efficient operations and energy-saving solutions. This means some components are becoming obsolete.

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Yinzhou Paper's rebuild for better quality test liner

Yinzhou Paper's rebuild for better quality test liner

Frequent customer complaints regarding the evenness and CD profiles of Dongguan’s linerboard led Yinzhou Paper to replace the headboxes and invest in modern quality control system.

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Integrated sulfuric acid production in mega mills

Integrated sulfuric acid production in mega mills

This article is a summary of a paper which will be presented at the International Chemical Recovery Conference ICRC in Brazil in 2021.

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Valmet’s shareholders: a diversified group with different investment styles and an increased focus on ESG

Valmet’s shareholders: a diversified group with different investment styles and an increased focus on ESG

90 years and counting: the history of tissue handkerchiefs through the worlds largest collection

90 years and counting: the history of tissue handkerchiefs through the worlds largest collection

Everyone has one in his or her pockets in most countries of the world, regardless of age, gender, status or cultural differences. It is something you really don’t think of very much, unless a sudden bout of flu hits you or you need to quickly remove some melting ice cream dripping on your t-shirt. Meet Silvio Fioravanti, a collector of tissue packs who has over 16,000 tissue packs.

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From OCC to board and beyond

From OCC to board and beyond

Today’s board makers aim for stable production and consistent end-product quality. At the same time, the increasing variety of recycled raw materials in OCC lines makes this more difficult. How can you control the production process despite these variations?

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3 Benefits of benchmarking your paper machine performance

3 Benefits of benchmarking your paper machine performance

Benchmarking is a continuous improvement tool for comparing the effectiveness of production lines within your company or the effectiveness of your production lines against competitors near and far. Valmet Production Survey provides the widest paper and board machine production and energy efficiency data available.

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