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Valmet videos for investors

Valmet videos for investors

In this section you can find videos tailored to Valmet's investors in particular, such as summaries of result publications, site visits and Capital Markets Days.

Building mill-wide automation for the mill of the future

Building mill-wide automation for the mill of the future

With mill-wide automation, Metsä Fibre Kemi bioproduct mill aims to run the new mill in a balanced way, control the process and ensure its running flawlessly, and through that, ensure high quality, cost-effectiveness and environmental efficiency.

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Södra Cell Värö pulp mill – experiences of the expansion project

Södra Cell Värö pulp mill – experiences of the expansion project

In the Södra Cell Värö pulp mill expansion project, most of the process islands were either upgraded or replaced. Hear the experiences from the Mill Manager, Production Manager and Fiberline and Pulp Drying Department Managers.

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Valmet spare and process parts – more than parts

Valmet spare and process parts – more than parts

Valmet’s advanced monitoring and prediction applications optimize our customers’ operations to increase production capacity, machine uptime and energy efficiency, and to reduce quality losses and overall operational costs.

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CMPC Guaíba pulp mill in Brazil

CMPC Guaíba pulp mill in Brazil

The new pulp line, started up in 2015, is an expansion to the existing Guaíba pulp mill and has a capacity of 1.5 million tonnes per year. This is an addition to the existing capacity of the mill of 500,000 tonnes per year.

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Keeping pace with growth in renewable fuels

Keeping pace with growth in renewable fuels

The renewable share of the total energy use is predicted to rise up to 15% by 2040. Automation in renewable fuel production should be ...

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Your one-stop shop for control valves

Your one-stop shop for control valves

What do you look for in a control valve supplier? When it comes to control valve requirements no two are ever the same. It is not just the pressure and temperature of the process or the required controllability, but also issues such as the need to prevent cavitation, to control noise, to keep within emission limits, etc. This means selecting a control valve always requires due care and attention.

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The best of both worlds - 45 years of butterfly valve expertise

The best of both worlds - 45 years of butterfly valve expertise

Bringing together 45 years of butterfly valve expertise from two sides of the Atlantic Ocean: The path from a revolutionary idea to an industry-leading product family takes both time and dedication.

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Automatic monitoring saves time and money at Hamburger Rieger

Automatic monitoring saves time and money at Hamburger Rieger

Hamburger Rieger turns to intelligent technology from Metso for its PM 2 steam and condensate system.

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MK Technology witnesses a 20% increase in their autoclave’s availability

MK Technology witnesses a 20% increase in their autoclave’s availability

Operational reliability with fast and accurate flow control at MK Technology’s autoclave process.

Insights ● Customer story