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Valmet CFB Boiler

Valmet CFB Boiler

Valmet CFB Boiler is an advanced circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler developed by Valmet. It combines high-efficiency combustion of various solid fuels with low emissions, even when burning fuels with completely different calorific values at the same time.

Carbon Capture pre-treatment

Carbon Capture pre-treatment

Flue gas pre-treatment is key to the successful implementation of Carbon Capture plants. Flue gas pre-treatment requires even more sophisticated optimization of flue gas cleaning solutions, not only to ensure compliance with the stringent emission standards but also to ameliorate the efficiency of the decarbonization process.

Valmet Equipment Diagnostics

Valmet Equipment Diagnostics

Valmet Equipment Diagnostics is a comprehensive fleet management tool designed for maintenance needs. Equipment condition is measured on-line and compared to the historical performance of the component, thus giving concrete measures about any change in operation.

Heat production

Heat production

With our proven and reliable technology, you will produce heat in a sustainable manner. We offer heating plant solutions that are designed based on the customer’s needs and the available fuel.


Tissue news and insights

Here you can learn more about Valmet's tissue industry. Read and browse through different content types.

Global social responsibility program

Global social responsibility program

Valmet's global social responsibility program consists of several local projects around the world.

Valmet's approach to human rights

Valmet's approach to human rights

Automation retrofits

Automation retrofits

Retrofitting an existing automation system with Valmet DNA DCS to boost the power plant’s total efficiency.

Automation solutions
CO2 Monitoring

CO2 Monitoring

Valmet DNA CO2 Monitoring reports to the EU Emission Trading Directive (2003/87/EC) generating automatically all the necessary information.

Automation solutions
Automation Systems business line

Automation Systems business line

Automation Systems business line supplies and develops automation and information management systems, applications and services to companies in the pulp, energy, paper and process industries, as well as the marine and gas industries.
