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Information system training

Information system training

Training is an essential part of Valmet’s long-term customer relationship. Whether you are a new automation system user or a more experienced one, you can find suitable training courses on the Valmet DNA Information system. Here you can find the global course offering organized by all customer training teams. Check also the regional training offering and do not hesitate to ask for tailored courses.

Automation solutions

Ensuring the best paper quality and efficient operations

Automation training in France

Automation training in France

Valmet’s professional training program is based on training modules, but is always tailored to the needs of your personnel. The program can be carried out on-site, in a classroom environment at Valmet, or off-site, using demo and simulator systems for hands-on practice.

Automation solutions
HRSG and plant controls for combined cycle power plants

HRSG and plant controls for combined cycle power plants

Valmet DNA system covers the control, monitoring and reporting of all processes in combined cycle power plant.

Automation solutions
Maintenance and technical support

Maintenance and technical support

Ensure your processes stay on target by leveraging Valmet Maintenance and Technical Support Services.

Automation solutions
Upgrades and lifecycle services

Upgrades and lifecycle services

Valmet Upgrades and Lifecycle Services help you manage upgrade investments for best returns over a process lifecycle.

Automation solutions
Steam turbine performance monitoring

Steam turbine performance monitoring

Valmet DNA Steam Turbine Performance Monitoring brings increased efficiencies and cost savings to each step of turbine operation.

Automation solutions
Hydro turbine automation

Hydro turbine automation

Valmet's solution enables efficient hydro turbine management, improves operational cost efficiency and simplifies system maintenance.

Automation solutions
Automation training in Brazil

Automation training in Brazil

Valmet’s professional training program is based on training modules, but is always tailored to the needs of your personnel. The program can be carried out on-site, in a classroom environment at Valmet, or off-site, using demo and simulator systems for hands-on practice.

Automation solutions
Automation for Board and Paper

Automation for Board and Paper

Board and paper