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Valmet Board of Directors

Valmet Board of Directors

Photos and CVs of the members of the Board of Directors

Optimizing vessel fuel consumption

Optimizing vessel fuel consumption

Valmet’s DNA Sea Optimal Mode enables shipowners to achieve remarkable savings in fuel consumption. The actual savings vary based on the power plant load and specific fuel consumption (SFC) profile of the engine.

Operator Effectiveness

Operator Effectiveness

All relevant functions to control a vessel’s entire machinery plant

All relevant functions to control a vessel’s entire machinery plant

The Valmet DNA integrated automation system covers all monitoring and control functions necessary to control the entire machinery plant of a vessel. This comprises everything from basic alarm and monitoring to remote control of machinery units and related auxiliaries. It includes functions for manual and automatic remote control of pumps and valves, controller loops, machinery units, entities such as main engines and much more.

Pulp Expert

Pulp Expert

Valmet Pulp Expert is a next-generation automatic pulp laboratory for pulp and paper quality management.

Automation solutions
SCA Östrand - World's largest softwood pulp line

SCA Östrand - World's largest softwood pulp line

SCA's expanded Östrand pulp mill located Timrå, Sweden, had its start-up in 2018. With this project, SCA Östrand doubled its production capacity from 430,000 tonnes to 900,000 tonnes per year.

Reference card


Valmet DigiStar Trainee Program

Valmet DigiStar Trainee Program

Are you enthusiastic about data and analytics, putting your software skills into action and accelerating learning in a practical environment? Read more about Valmet DigiStar Trainee Program!

Valmet took total responsibility in Karlsborg and got the order

Valmet took total responsibility in Karlsborg and got the order

BillerudKorsnäs Karlsborg replaced the old quality control system and a rebuild after the dryer section was needed. Valmet took responsibility for the rebuild and the control system, and the grammage and dry content control is done by Valmet IQ System.

Reference card
Stora Enso Sunila Mill - LignoBoost plant for high quality kraft lignin production

Stora Enso Sunila Mill - LignoBoost plant for high quality kraft lignin production

Stora Enso’s Sunila Mill produces kraft lignin with Valmet’s LignoBoost™ technology.

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