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In mechanical pulping, Valmet has extensive experience of peroxide bleaching processes for all types of mechanical pulps - TMP, CTMP and PGW. Backed by this experience, our mechanical pulp bleaching systems represent an investment in proven process know-how and long-term support.

Field Services for Cooking and fiberline

Field Services for Cooking and fiberline

Ensure overall equipment efficiency is maintained for fiberline equipment with our inspection services together with process audit we can ensure process related targets are meet. Our Field Services includes fast on-call equipment services, shutdown management, support, and recommendations on-site or remotely.

CFB boiler operation

CFB boiler operation

CFB boiler operation based on understanding the function and processes of the boiler.

White liquor plant

White liquor plant

This course describes the purpose and processes in the recausticazion and lime kiln. In addition it also describes the purpose, design and function of the included machines and equipment.

Continuous Cooking G1

Continuous Cooking G1

This course describes the purpose, processes and principles of operation of the continuous cooking department. In addition it also describes the purpose, design and function of the included machines and equipment.

Process control basics

Process control basics

Basic knowledge in process controllers and process dynamic.

Grate Boiler

This course presents different parts and equipment of the grate boiler, what their purposes are and how they work.

Paper machine maintenance school

Paper Machine Maintenance School is a 4.5-day classroom seminar covering all aspects of paper machine maintenance, attendees will join classroom sessions, group participation exercises, demonstrations and focus groups.

D3® User

A ten-day entry level course using D3® software.

Maxum Analyzer Networks - US

This course gives the students hands-on experience with the Maxum Gas Chromatograph Network systems. Students will learn skills they can use to design, install, and maintain Maxum Ethernet networks, Modbus tables, and OPC servers.