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Thomas Granfeldt awarded the Arne Asplund Award at IMPC 2024

Thomas Granfeldt awarded the Arne Asplund Award at IMPC 2024

Professor Thomas Granfeldt was awarded the 2024 Arne Asplund Award at the International Mechanical Pulping Conference (IMPC). The conference was arranged between May 27-29 in Sundsvall, Sweden and was joined by industry experts and researchers from across the globe.

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HC bleaching success at Rottneros

HC bleaching success at Rottneros

A Valmet cost-effective HC (High Consistency) bleach plant was the natural choice when Rottneros invested to increase its competitiveness in market pulp sales. Results after the start up show that it was the right choice.

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2018 Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award

2018 Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award

Regarded as the "Nobel Prize" in the field of mechanical pulping, the Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award was established in 1985 to commemorate Dr. Asplund’s contribution to the pulp and paper industry worldwide.

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Liansheng Pulp and Paper: big success with PM 1 carton board and PM 3 high-grade fine paper lines

Liansheng Pulp and Paper: big success with PM 1 carton board and PM 3 high-grade fine paper lines

Living up to expectations, Liansheng’s PM 1 carton board and PM 3 high-grade fine paper production lines have been recognized as a success not only by Liansheng, but also by their customers.

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Rethinking energy sustainability in tissue production

Rethinking energy sustainability in tissue production

When it comes to sustainability in tissue production, simply presenting a “green corporate image” is no longer good enough to stay competitive. Authorities around the world have set greater environmental legislative requirements for tissue manufacturing, and consumers everywhere want certified environmentally-friendly products. That means tissue mills need to take concrete steps for more sustainable production processes.

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When small things make a big difference

When small things make a big difference

UIPSA’s Winder Reliability Agreement with Valmet has been effective for two decades – and that is continuing. Over the years, the cooperation has led to numerous small improvements, resulting in significant development in the winder’s capacity, reliability and safety.

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Closer is better – The Valmet compact dryer concept

Closer is better – The Valmet compact dryer concept

Valmet’s OptiRun compact concept for paper machine dryer sections ensures good runnability, while delivering better drying efficiency and absolutely excellent tail threading. It’s the biggest change in dryer section design in the last 35 years.

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Steel or Casted Yankee – that’s the question

Steel or Casted Yankee – that’s the question

Selecting the right Yankee merits careful consideration. After all we are dealing with the heart of your tissue machine here. Steel and casted Yankee dryers both have their benefits, in different areas, depending on your type of production. This is a guide to what is important to consider.

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Stronger and more flexible after stock preparation rebuild

Stronger and more flexible after stock preparation rebuild

Fifteen grade changes per day and meeting the needs of more than 100 customers – that’s the reality for Essity’s Collodi Mill, requiring fast adaptation and striving for efficiency in colored tissue production.

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The future might surprise you

The future might surprise you

As Darwin is alleged to have said: “It is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Surviving is about foreseeing the future. Succeeding is being there already. Get set for tomorrow’s needs with flexible hybrid technology!

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