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Valmet supplied pulp mill rebuild at Mercer's Stendal mill started up

Valmet supplied pulp mill rebuild at Mercer's Stendal mill started up

The rebuilt technology areas - batch cooking, pulp drying and lime kiln cooler -  have successfully started up step by step, now with a new level of environmental performance at Mercer’s Stendal pulp mill in Germany.

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Record upon record in fluff pulp production

Record upon record in fluff pulp production

Klabin’s Drying Machine 26 reached a milestone of 1,560 tonnes a day in 2021. The international market is already recognizing the product’s quality.

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Two important milestones completed in  ARAUCO's MAPA project

Two important milestones completed in ARAUCO's MAPA project

Valmet, as the company in charge of supplying key technologies for pulp production at ARAUCO's new MAPA Project production line, conducted the first tests on the recovery and power boilers in September, with optimal results, contributing to the progress of this mega project.

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Pulping and fiber articles

2020 is coming. Are you ready?

2020 is coming. Are you ready?

With the new SOx regulations coming into effect soon, shipowners and shipyards are starting to wake up. The industry has been playing a waiting game before deciding how to comply with the new standards, whether to use marine diesel oil with low sulphur content, LNG or scrubbers.

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Valmet on the Chinese marine market

Valmet on the Chinese marine market

Focusing on intelligent vessels and marching on to marine desulfuration industry, Valmet takes advantage of its state-of-the-art automation technologies to deliver advanced solutions to the marine industry, at the same time, imports cutting-edge technologies and control systems to the marine industry in China.

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Aiming higher with an optimized causticizing process

Aiming higher with an optimized causticizing process

At Navigator Cacia’s pulp mill, online liquor analysis and advanced process controls have resulted in reduced variation, improved efficiency and optimized lime dosage. Improved process visibility has also uncovered other areas of improvement.

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New Danish ferry M/S Hammershus leads the way with top technology

New Danish ferry M/S Hammershus leads the way with top technology

M/S Hammershus RoPax vessel sails smoothly in the Baltic Sea with Valmet’s DNA integrated automation system (IAS) covering the control, alarm and monitoring of machinery systems.

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Valmet Fiber Image Analyzer helps dig more deeply into fibers and particles

Valmet Fiber Image Analyzer helps dig more deeply into fibers and particles

The University of Eastern Finland is looking for a more detailed understanding of fibers with the Valmet Fiber Image Analyzer.

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Valmet provides the big Q in Quality

Valmet provides the big Q in Quality

BillerudKorsnäs in Pietarsaari produces world-leading kraft and sack paper. Extensive knowledge of raw material fiber properties is essential to meet the high quality that customers expect. To this end, the mill decided to purchase the Valmet Fiber Furnish Analyzer (Valmet MAP Q).

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