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You cannot copy know-how and experience - Valmet’s filter fabrics for various processes since 1965

You cannot copy know-how and experience - Valmet’s filter fabrics for various processes since 1965

Valmet’s filter fabrics have been on the market since 1965, first with the brand name Tamfelt, followed by Metso and today they are an integral part of Valmet’s product portfolio.

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Harmony of the Seas - advanced cruise ship with advanced automation

Harmony of the Seas - advanced cruise ship with advanced automation

Harmony of the Seas, the world’s largest cruise ship, has sailed for almost one year now. Thousands of passengers have been able to enjoy the luxury and comfort on board the ship. This unique ship utilizes advanced technology and has chosen Valmet’s automation.

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Tammervoima produces responsible energy from garbage bags

Tammervoima produces responsible energy from garbage bags

‘What a waste of waste’ is no longer valid in Tampere, Finland. Valmet’s flue gas cleaning, condensing and automation technologies contribute to efficient operation.

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Innovators of digital evolution

Innovators of digital evolution

Valmet has been at the forefront of developing digital solutions for its customers ever since 1960s. The launch of Damatic distributed control system (DCS) in 1979 laid a solid foundation for the company’s digital development that is continuing now in the era of the Industrial Internet.

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From ten tennis balls to one – cutting 90% of valve emissions

From ten tennis balls to one – cutting 90% of valve emissions

Paris Agreement has set a goal to achieve a carbon neutral world by 2050. However, the United Nations Environment Program’s Emissions Gap Report 2020 states that the world is still heading for a temperature rise more than 3°C this century which is far beyond the Paris Agreement goal. The role of countries and political decision-making has importance in achieving the goal, but the acts of individual companies has equal importance, as the target of reducing emissions requires a huge amount of small action on many different fronts.

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Valmet’s proven flow control solutions deliver reliability for the energy transition

Valmet’s proven flow control solutions deliver reliability for the energy transition

Valmet, the global developer and supplier of process technologies, automation and services, has long enjoyed strong patronage from the pulp, paper and energy industries, amongst others. And, thanks to proven expertise with industrial gases such as hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine, Valmet’s Flow Control business line is a ‘go-to’ valve source for the renewable energy sector. Ville Kähkönen and Andreas Pischke kindly discussed the valve needs of this emerging industry.

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Steady and reliable feed ensured at a chemical plant in Germany with Flowrox pumps

Steady and reliable feed ensured at a chemical plant in Germany with Flowrox pumps

CURRENTA is managing and providing services to CHEMPARK in Leverkusen, Germany. All of its hazardous waste incineration plants were using conventional filter presses to separate solids from waste water generated by flue-gas scrubbing. In 2009, CURRENTA started a modernization project to replace the existing filter press installations. Nowadays, Flowrox™ LPP-T peristaltic pumps feed fully automatic filter presses for flue-gas scrubbing process in this German chemical plant.

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Severe service control

Severe service control

Many services are severe services. High-pressure drop applications are always considered severe service. Selecting a reputable and proven technology and brand is extremely important to the long-term reliability required in these types of applications.

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Pumping 76% rock solids with Flowrox™ hose pumps

Pumping 76% rock solids with Flowrox™ hose pumps

LKAB Svappavaara iron ore mine in Sweden chose Flowrox LPP-T100 transfer pumps for their pelletizing plant. They were looking for a solution that would allow them to pump effectively paste and high-density slurries. "The most important thing in terms of pump performance is that they function reliably. All the other benefits come after that. If a pump is not reliable, there is nothing else to benefit from either", the customer states.

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Rubber hose solves scaling issue -Increased uptime and process efficiency with Flowrox pumps

Rubber hose solves scaling issue -Increased uptime and process efficiency with Flowrox pumps

A smelting plant in Norway had a scaling problem. Their spill process water contains lots of carbonates which caused reoccurring damage to the previously used centrifugal pump. Another challenge for the new pump was to also empty the 3-meter-deep tank located underneath the pump’s location.

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