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In Automation


Field device management

Field device management

Automation solutions
Automation training in Spain

Automation training in Spain

Valmet’s professional training program is based on training modules, but is always tailored to the needs of your personnel. The program can be carried out on-site, in a classroom environment at Valmet, or off-site, using demo and simulator systems for hands-on practice.

Automation solutions
Automation training in Turkey

Automation training in Turkey

Valmet’s professional training program is based on training modules, but is always tailored to the needs of your personnel. The program can be carried out on-site, in a classroom environment at Valmet, or off-site, using demo and simulator systems for hands-on practice.

Automation solutions
Automation for Tissue

Automation for Tissue

Automation solutions
Quality management for self-adhesive laminating processes

Quality management for self-adhesive laminating processes

Valmet IQ is an advanced quality control solution that can provide ideal conditions for the self-adhesive laminating process and optimize as well as verify final product quality. With the new sheet quality measurements, innovative moisture profiling, as well as web monitoring and inspection systems the target specification, will be reached faster.

Automation solutions
Boiler optimization

Boiler optimization

Valmet’s boiler optimization solution will help you maximize the performance of your existing or new boiler.

Automation solutions
HRSG performance monitoring

HRSG performance monitoring

Valmet DNA Heat Recovery Steam Generator Performance Monitoring continuously monitors the main HRSG parameters.

Automation solutions
System architecture

System architecture

Valmet DNA system architecture enables use of the same platform for different types of controls like: process-, machine-, quality-, drive controls and optimizations. The architecture is scalable ranging from systems of few tens of I/O’s to systems with tens of thousands of I/O’s.

Automation solutions
VII Data Discovery

VII Data Discovery

A data discovery process is an easy way to start looking into the Industrial Internet and analytical and data-driven opportunities. It is a low-risk tool to explore the potential of utilizing data to improve processes with a limited investment and project scope.

Automation solutions
Valmet Oxygen Stage Optimizer

Valmet Oxygen Stage Optimizer

Valmet Oxygen Stage Optimizer enhances the environmentally friendly Oxygen Delignification and provides a unique method for lignin removal without degrading the pulp strength.

Automation solutions