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Tissue as soft as silk

Tissue as soft as silk

Forestal y Papelera Concepcion in Chile selected Valmet’s Advantage NTT technology because of its flexibility and ability to deliver premium tissue paper with low energy consumption.

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Recharge for moving energy producers’ performance forward

Recharge for moving energy producers’ performance forward

Today’s energy producers are facing many challenges: aging production facilities, cost pressures, challenging fuels, new emission regulations, and the rise of renewable energy sources. A recharge with Valmet can be an answer to these challenges.

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almet at POWER-GEN Europe 2017 - Valmet's case wins best paper

almet at POWER-GEN Europe 2017 - Valmet's case wins best paper

Valmet was present at the POWER-GEN Europe & Renewable Energy World Europe 2017 conference with Valmet’s customer case receiving the Best Paper Award in the Renewable Energy track.

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Fujian Hengan Group in China to produce premium tissue with hybrid technology from Valmet

Fujian Hengan Group in China to produce premium tissue with hybrid technology from Valmet

The Chinese tissue market is developing, and a growing number of consumers are looking for tissue products with premium or even ultra-premium quality. To meet the increasing demand from the market, Fujian Hengan Group has decided to invest in two Advantage QRT tissue lines with Valmet Automation solutions.

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Zhejiang Jingxing started up their new tissue line in China

Zhejiang Jingxing started up their new tissue line in China

On January 18, 2022, a new Valmet Advantage DCT 200 HS tissue line equipped with a Focus rewinder successfully started up at Jingxing Paper’s Pinghu mill.

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More Softness Means More Dust – A Growing Challenge

More Softness Means More Dust – A Growing Challenge

Discover how the Dust Mitigation Committee, boasting over 40 industry members, tackles crucial challenges across diverse sectors.

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Waste heat is closer than you think

Waste heat is closer than you think

Integrating an industrial heat pump application into a flue gas condensing plant is an efficient way to capture the value of waste heat streams. Existing power plants already have all the necessary connections and systems in place to allow easy use of this most common waste stream in energy production.

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The preferred ways of drying our hands

The preferred ways of drying our hands

When the corona pandemic struck the world with force in the beginning of 2020 the focus on personal hygiene suddenly skyrocketed. Never before have we focused so much on washing our hands. But how do we prefer to dry our hands when visiting public washrooms? Katrin and Metsä Tissue have conducted their annual Washroom Survey to find out the answer.

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EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH operations have been incorporated in Valmet

EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH operations have been incorporated in Valmet

EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH has been incorporated in Valmet GmbH. The company's operations are now part of Valmet’s Pulp and Energy business line’s Environmental Systems technology unit.

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