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In Technologies


Recycled fiber

Recycled fiber

Valmet’s recycled fiber technologies offer innovative and cost-effective DIP and OCC solutions, offering efficient impurity removal, high yield, and optimized final pulp quality.

Board and paper

Meet your Valmet Refiner Team in North America

Board and paper
Working safety and usability

Working safety and usability

Valmet's working environment improvements aim to ensure safe working conditions for all paper mill employees. Our working environment improvements consist of such items as dust and humidity control and indoor noise reduction solutions for cleaner and healthier machine hall air. The user-friendly engineering and innovative solutions further improve operator safety.

Board and paper
Machine screening

Machine screening

Optimal solution for high screening capacity and efficiency

Board and paper
Combination Hydrocyclones

Combination Hydrocyclones

Forward combination hydrocyclones are utilized to efficiently remove both heavy and certain light weight contaminates in one cleaner body. Valmet is the technology leader in combination hydrocyclones, offering high-performance solutions for any hydrocyclone system application.

Board and paper


Board and paper
Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Valmet has numerous ways to help paper and board makers improve their energy efficiency and minimize their lifecycle energy costs.

Board and paper
High consistency cleaning

High consistency cleaning

Board and paper
Stock mixing

Stock mixing

Mixing technology for stock dilution

Board and paper


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