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Valmet goes underground to help treat wastewater

Valmet goes underground to help treat wastewater

The Kakolanmäki wastewater treatment plant is able to process the wastewater from 300,000 people and various industrial sources in a way that considerably reduces the nutrient load on the Baltic Sea.

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More efficient process management with modernization of automation at Helen

More efficient process management with modernization of automation at Helen

Helen Ltd has invested in the future of the Salmisaari power plant in Helsinki. The new automation system is part of the company’s projects to improve energy efficiency, increase usability and reduce emissions. Dismantling and replacing the old system is a challenging project that was taken on by Valmet’s professionals.

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Close partnership leads to high operational availability despite the use of challenging fuels

Close partnership leads to high operational availability despite the use of challenging fuels

A partnership with Vattenfall Jordbro plant, Sweden, spanning over ten years has enabled splendid operational availability despite the challenges of recycled wood as fuel. 

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Achieving chemical savings with Valmet Total Solids Measurement

Achieving chemical savings with Valmet Total Solids Measurement

Trident Ltd in India targeted for accurate online measurement of solids and chemical consumption optimization at their effluent treatment plant (ETP).

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Clean Water Services maximizes efficiency with continuous data

Clean Water Services maximizes efficiency with continuous data

Clean Water Services in Oregon, USA, wanted to maximize the efficiency by using the most modern instruments. Now Valmet's wastewater measurements offer continuous data of sludge solids for operator.

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Energy savings and improved runnability – dryer fabric service agreement with Siam Kraft

Energy savings and improved runnability – dryer fabric service agreement with Siam Kraft

Valmet and Siam Kraft Industry Co., Ltd.'s PM16 at the Ban Pong mill in Thailand have a service agreement for dryer fabrics. The two-year contract, covering 2022 to 2024 ensures energy savings and enhanced runnability of the machine's dryer section.

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Minerals and metals references



Over the past three decades Valmet has delivered new machines, automation and services to pulp, paper and energy customers in Indonesia.



Valmet Services in Świecie consists of the three most modern workshops in Poland. We have been serving customers since 1994, and Świecie has belonged to the Valmet corporation since 2020.

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Your digital collaboration space with Valmet

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