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Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Macharey, Julia

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Macharey, Julia

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Karlstedt, Bertel

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Tacla, Celso

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Niemi, Aki

Releases ● Managers' transactions
Valmet strengthens its OT/ICS Cybersecurity Services by entering into a partnership with TXOne Networks

Valmet strengthens its OT/ICS Cybersecurity Services by entering into a partnership with TXOne Networks

The partnership enables customers to gain access to a full-scope of cybersecurity defense portfolio via Valmet’s Cybersecurity Services. This is not limited to protecting only Valmet’s products and systems, but the whole customer OT (operational technology) landscape.

Releases ● Featured news
Valmet and Metsä Group’s 3D fiber demo plant awarded in the international Quality Innovation Award competition

Valmet and Metsä Group’s 3D fiber demo plant awarded in the international Quality Innovation Award competition

Valmet and Metsä Group's innovation company Metsä Spring's 3D fiber demo plant was announced as Prize Winner in its own category in the Quality Innovation Award competition.

Releases ● Featured news
Valmet to deliver a biomass-fired boiler plant to Tampereen Sähkölaitos in Tampere, Finland

Valmet to deliver a biomass-fired boiler plant to Tampereen Sähkölaitos in Tampere, Finland

Releases ● Press releases/Energy

Valmet initiates its new long-term social responsibility program by supporting Save the Children to improve the education and wellbeing of children in Dungarpur, India

Releases ● Press releases

The 300th Valmet Paper Lab system will be delivered to Papierfabrik Palm in Germany

Releases ● Trade press releases/Automation/Paper