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Warping and runnability problems cured in Cartonajes Santorromán

Warping and runnability problems cured in Cartonajes Santorromán

When faced with a warping problem, Santorromán turned to Valmet for a solution.

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Deriving optimum hydrochloric acid from the biological waste gas treatment

Deriving optimum hydrochloric acid from the biological waste gas treatment

Krems Chemie Chemical Services AG, a chemical company in the Wachau valley, Austria manufacturers halogen-free flame retardants and intermediates for a diverse range of applications. The Valmet Concentration Measurement units are installed in the biological waste gas treatment plant.

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Optimized control in different positions

Optimized control in different positions

Shanghai Taihe underground wastewater treatment plant stabilizes sludge pumping process and optimizes polymer dosing with Valmet Total Solids Measurements (Valmet TS) and Valmet High Solids Measurements (Valmet HS).

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Safe and efficient operation control of the recovery boiler

Safe and efficient operation control of the recovery boiler

A North American mill looking to monitor bed height and shape, and bed temperatures, installed a Valmet Furnace Imaging System, IR, to better monitor its recovery boiler and control the SO2 levels. A service agreement together with the analyzer helps the mill experience little to no downtime with the servicing of its camera.

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Fast fiber morphology analysis enables UFV to develop new technologies

Fast fiber morphology analysis enables UFV to develop new technologies

The Pulp and Paper Laboratory at the Federal University of Vicosa (UFV) wanted to increase the analysis range of cellulose and paper with a modern solution.

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Annual planning cuts downtime at Canadian pulp mill

Annual planning cuts downtime at Canadian pulp mill

Reduce downtime with customized annual outage planning. Learn how a pulp mill partnered with Valmet for OEM expertise, spare parts planning, and on-site outage support.

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A view to better control bed height and shape of the recovery boiler’s smelt bed

A view to better control bed height and shape of the recovery boiler’s smelt bed

A North American mill did not have a working camera for monitoring bed height and shape, which did not allow operators to monitor black liquor conditions. By installing Valmet Furnace Imaging System, IR, the mill is now able to improve burn efficiency with better black liquor monitoring.

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From smelt to white liquor

From smelt to white liquor

The whole white liquor production is now more automated and its process is frequently followed by the Valmet Alkali R analysis system.

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Valmet solutions improve production efficiency and pulp quality

Valmet solutions improve production efficiency and pulp quality

Valmet’s advanced measurements and recovery boiler camera improved the production efficiency and pulp quality of Sichuan Vanov New Material Co., Ltd in China.

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Targets exceeded in Nippon Paper Akita lime kiln process

Valmet implemented Lime Kiln Optimizer solution to Nippon Paper Akita mill to reduce specific energy consumption and maximize the more cost-efficient fuel usage.

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