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“I gained courage and self-confidence and learned social skills”

“I gained courage and self-confidence and learned social skills”

To celebrate its 220-year industrial history and the centenary of Finland’s independence, Valmet started a unique program for young people in Finland in cooperation with the Children and Youth Foundation.

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”Olen oppinut paljon kaikkea elämää varten”

”Olen oppinut paljon kaikkea elämää varten”

Valmetin 220-vuotisen teollisen historian sekä Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlavuoden kunniaksi Valmet käynnisti yhdessä Lasten ja nuorten säätiön kanssa ainutlaatuisen nuoriso-ohjelman.

Supporting Valmet’s climate program targets locally at Tampere Lentokentänkatu office

Supporting Valmet’s climate program targets locally at Tampere Lentokentänkatu office

Valmet aims to reduce CO₂ emissions by 80 percent in its own operations by 2030. One way to achieve this is to improve Valmet locations’ energy efficiency. Concrete actions have been taken at the Lentokentänkatu office.

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Building a winning team in India

Building a winning team in India

The Valmet team in India has been working to develop its team in line with the global ‘Winning Team’ Must-Win. While managers focused on improving managerial and leadership skills, their team members took part in a specially designed training program for non-managers.

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Valmet receives Silver Class Sustainability Award 2018 in RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook

Valmet receives Silver Class Sustainability Award 2018 in RobecoSAM’s annual Sustainability Yearbook

Valmet has received a Silver Class medal in RobecoSAM's annual Sustainability Yearbook 2018 for its excellent sustainability performance. RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing. The Yearbook showcases the sustainability performance of the world’s largest companies and includes the top 15% per industry.

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Valmet receives Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2020

Valmet receives Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2020

Valmet has received Bronze Class distinction in SAM Sustainability Yearbook 2020 for excellent sustainability performance. Sustainability Yearbook is a comprehensive publication providing in-depth analysis on corporate sustainability.

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Uhle boxes - care, handling, cleaning, maintenance and adjustment

Uhle boxes - care, handling, cleaning, maintenance and adjustment

Reliable operation of a press section uhle box requires attention to care and handling, as well as routine maintenance. Blades and covers are susceptible to costly damage if improperly handled and maintained.

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Suction couch and press roll packing strip problems, a case study

Suction couch and press roll packing strip problems, a case study

A paperboard mill suffered from unexplained grooving and chipping in thesuction roll sealing strips. The fog shower was identified as a culprit.

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Reel maintenance: on-the-run monitoring, checks and consumables

Reel maintenance: on-the-run monitoring, checks and consumables

Many reel service actions and adjustments are common to all paper machine reels. This article reviews on-the-run (OTR) monitoring of the reel, as well as long-term (20 year) checks such as screw torques and critical seam weldments. Consumables must be inspected and replaced as needed, especially actuators and cylinder seals.

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LWC machine forming fabric MD ridging problem, a case study

LWC machine forming fabric MD ridging problem, a case study

Distortions in fabrics, such as ridges, cause basis weight profile problems. In this case study, the culprit was found to be a tiny speck of rust - which created a large and expensive problem.

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