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Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Hämäläinen, Anu

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Paukkunen, Petri

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Tiitinen, Jukka

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Paasikivi, Annika

Releases ● Managers' transactions

Valmet Oyj – Manager’s transaction: Tacla, Celso

Releases ● Managers' transactions
Valmet's website ranks #1 in Finland

Valmet's website ranks #1 in Finland

This year, Valmet's website was ranked #1 in Finland in the Webranking by Comprend. In Europe, Valmet was ranked #12 among Europe's top 500 companies. The Comprend Webranking survey is the leading survey of the European websites. It uses 50 different core criteria and 50 in-depth criteria to evaluate corporate websites and their performance.

Releases ● Featured news
Cooking seminar with a focus on exchanging experience

Cooking seminar with a focus on exchanging experience

On 8-9 February 2023, Valmet arranged a cooking seminar in Tällberg, Sweden. The focus of the event was the exchange of experience between Scandinavian pulp mills, and was attended by around 40 participants from 11 different mills.

Releases ● Featured news

Metso Paper receives fiber technology orders worth over EUR 80 million

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Construction of Valmet's Technology Center in China progresses: Stonelaying ceremony

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Papierfabrik Palm starts up world's biggest testliner and corrugating medium machine, supplied by Metso Paper

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