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Klabin stabilizes its pulp mill production

Klabin stabilizes its pulp mill production

The Expertune PlantTriage software helped stabilize the operation and achieve chemical savings at Klabin’s Ortigueira mill.

Insights ● Customer story
Upgrading older process plant valves to the latest technology translates into energy savings and long-term reliability

Upgrading older process plant valves to the latest technology translates into energy savings and long-term reliability

We are often asked why we recommend upgrading older valves to the latest technology. We will examine how technological improvements deliver measurable results in terms of cost savings, sustainability and long-term reliability.

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Flowrox control and shut-off pinch valves succeed  in ore and water treatment plants in a Spanish mine

Flowrox control and shut-off pinch valves succeed in ore and water treatment plants in a Spanish mine

After seven years of implementation of Flowrox™ pinch valves in a concentration plant, customer remains satisfied with the cost savings combined with reliable operation and easy valve maintenance. All 330 pinch valves were installed in an extension of their ore and water treatment plant. The project basically consisted of duplicating the size of an existing plant.

Insights ● Customer story
Problem solving keeps work motivation high

Problem solving keeps work motivation high

Irina started her Valmet journey as a summer trainee around 10 years ago. Over the years she has gained experience through various different roles. Read more about Irina's career development and what her typical work day looks like.

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Improve runnability with Valmet Dryer Vac Roll Edge Cleaner

Improve runnability with Valmet Dryer Vac Roll Edge Cleaner

VacRoll edges can become blocked by a buildup of dust and grease, causing runnability and threading issues. Valmet Dryer Vac Roll Edge Cleaner uses compressed air to clean the grooves and holes easily and effectively.

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Things to consider in valve selection for catalytic cracking

Things to consider in valve selection for catalytic cracking

Reliable and accurate control, on-off and ESD-valve performance is important for total process efficiency, productivity and safety. Here’s presented some of the key-applications and things to consider in selecting valves for a typical FCCU.

Insights ● Blog post
Sieving molecules

Sieving molecules

Adsorption and molecular sieve technologies have been widely used throughout various processing industries for decades to separate hydrocarbons or dry gases. Automation, including switching valve selection has an important role to play in the successful and sustainable molecular sieve adsorption process, often critical for the whole process plant availability.

Insights ● Blog post
Keep the noise down - Rotary valve noise abatement in gas and steam flow control applications

Keep the noise down - Rotary valve noise abatement in gas and steam flow control applications

Noise can be a problem in even low and medium pressure steam applications, resulting in issues like heavy vibrations or health, safety and environmental hazards.

Insights ● Blog post
Butterfly valve installed, problem solved - Reducing Dow’s operational costs under extreme process conditions

Butterfly valve installed, problem solved - Reducing Dow’s operational costs under extreme process conditions

The Dow Chemical Company has been operating in Stade, Germany for more than 40 years. Nearly three million tons of basic and specialty chemicals are manufactured per year in this ultramodern integrated plant complex, placing high availability and safety demands on all components. That’s why Dow has installed a custom-designed butterfly valve, developed by Neles, to reliably shut off the DME reactor in Stade.

Insights ● Blog post
Valmet SEMEA training program creates cooperation opportunities, develops competence and attracts talent

Valmet SEMEA training program creates cooperation opportunities, develops competence and attracts talent

We interviewed Vítor Nunes, former SEMEA Trainee, Tiago Becker, Product Sales Manager - Fiber Technologies, who tutored Vítor during his journey and Carlos Marques, Country Manager, Flow Control Business Line - Portugal who is Vítor’s current manager, about their experiences and perceptions of the trainee program and career transition.

Insights ● Career story