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The perfect is the enemy of the good

The perfect is the enemy of the good

In the spring of 2013, I was asked to start planning IT for a new company. At that point, the company did not yet have a name. Metso had just announced that it would start preparing a demerger into two independent listed companies.

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Valmet Kit Bio Pack plus revolutionizes tissue product packaging with uncoated paper and innovative nozzle-fed glue application

Valmet Kit Bio Pack plus revolutionizes tissue product packaging with uncoated paper and innovative nozzle-fed glue application

Globally, about 36% of all plastics produced are currently used specifically for packaging.1 It’s a troubling statistic in a world that’s increasingly sensitive to the ecological impact of plastic. It’s also the impetus behind plastic-free packaging initiatives undertaken by leading brands across a range of industries.

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A day in the life of a mill orchestrator

A day in the life of a mill orchestrator

In the future, when mills and plants become more autonomous, it is likely that the role of a mill operator will extend towards the role of a mill orchestrator. This means that they will be responsible for ensuring that different process areas perform well together rather than the details of how those processes are operated – the mill will manage and operate itself autonomously without the need for human intervention.

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In the end, digitalization has a lot to do with people

In the end, digitalization has a lot to do with people

Moving toward more autonomous mills or plants will highlight rather than neglect the importance of operators’ capabilities. Operators will need to be able to understand how the whole system works, as they will have more extensive tools at their disposal.

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Transparent communication improves workplace wellbeing

Transparent communication improves workplace wellbeing

Workplace wellbeing has a positive impact on employee productivity, but too often the wellbeing actions in the company are not visible enough.

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Making your performance our first priority

Making your performance our first priority

To get the most from any equipment, you need to know how it is performing. Some original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have begun to offer services which manage asset performance in real-time.

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Virtual reality, the new industrial standard?

Virtual reality, the new industrial standard?

VR, AR, MR, XR… Has the virtual world felt difficult or even pointless to enter? If yes, now the time is ripe. With the key technological challenges solved, virtual tools are making a breakthrough in the industrial environment bringing possibilities never seen before.

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Green transition calls for a joint effort

Green transition calls for a joint effort

Due to resource scarcity/overconsumption and the impact of fossil materials on the climate, the key challenge of today is to limit consumption within the carrying capacity of our planet while keeping the wheels of the economy turning.

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Flowrox™ Pump Solutions for Demanding Applications

Flowrox™ Pump Solutions for Demanding Applications

Pump Engineer caught up with Esa Lumme, Director of the Mining and Metals Industry, and Raimo Lavikainen, Senior Manager of Business Management of Mining, and Metals, to learn more about the strengths of the nascent Flow Control business line.

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Tips for Selling Your Used Tissue Converting Equipment

Tips for Selling Your Used Tissue Converting Equipment

Tissue converting equipment is a considerable investment. When it comes time for an upgrade or replacement, selling the used machinery is generally a sensible way to monetize remaining value and free up budget space for new capital spend.

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