Search results for “cryogenic valves”

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Availability service guarantees the delivery of valves to Terrafame mine in six hours

Availability service guarantees the delivery of valves to Terrafame mine in six hours

Availability service is a service format developed by Neles to guarantee that the client receives the necessary components within the required timeframe. Based on its agreement, Terrafame’s multi-mineral mine in Sotkamo gets new valves delivered within six hours.

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Sustainability through long-lasting efficient performance

Sustainability through long-lasting efficient performance

The sustainable performance of a butterfly valve is dependent on a number of important factors. In essence, a valve that can maintain safe and efficient performance over its extended lifecycle is inherently sustainable. This means minimizing both internal and external leakages as well as the risk of failure in demanding service.

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Non-lubricating mediums for valves? Not a problem!

The world is moving toward cleaner fuels and environment-friendly energy sources. In recent years, this shift to a more conscientious attitude toward the environment has become a trend in industry, creating more challenges for all of us.

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One butterfly valve, many uses

One butterfly valve, many uses

Did you know we have nearly a century of combined experience with Neldisc™ metal-seated and Wafer-Sphere™ soft-seated butterfly valves? Today we talked with our expert about the new modular butterfly valve platform that we have recently introduced.

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Is there a difference in strength between one-piece-shaft and drive-shaft-and-trunnion design for butterfly valves?

Is there a difference in strength between one-piece-shaft and drive-shaft-and-trunnion design for butterfly valves?

Our expert Vincent Wang shares his expertise about performance, strength and designs for butterfly valves in this Q&A blog.

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The five 'musts' for efficient continuous catalyst regeneration in PDH process

The five 'musts' for efficient continuous catalyst regeneration in PDH process

Been struggling to take your propylene production up a notch? Is your continuous catalyst regeneration process not helping with this? Perhaps you could start improving production efficiency by checking your catalyst handling valves.

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The [valve] parts make the whole

The [valve] parts make the whole

Selecting original OEM spare parts for your mission-critical valves provides peace-of-mind and ensures the reliability, accuracy, durability, and environmental performance of your valve assemblies and industrial processes.

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Reliable valves increase process efficiency and lower total costs

Reliable valves increase process efficiency and lower total costs

Cost efficiency is a term found on every pulp and paper mill's top priority list now that the whole industry sector is going through a structural change with raw material and energy costs rising and environmental legislation tightening. To help pulp and papermakers tackle these challenges, Neles continuously develops its valve products and services further.

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MK Technology witnesses a 20% increase in their autoclave’s availability

MK Technology witnesses a 20% increase in their autoclave’s availability

Operational reliability with fast and accurate flow control at MK Technology’s autoclave process.

Insights ● Customer story
Innovations driven by industry-firsts

Innovations driven by industry-firsts

Neles delivered its first valves for the pulp and paper industry back in the 1950’s. Early on, we established a culture of innovation.

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