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Custom economizer shields

Custom economizer shields

Flow control for plastics recycling

Flow control for plastics recycling

Valmet offers a wide range of flow control solutions for plastics recycling processes, such as pyrolysis, gasification, depolymerization and hydrothermal and pneumatic conveying processes.

Refiner segments for MDF and fiberboard applications

Refiner segments for MDF and fiberboard applications

We offer a wide range of refiner segments to optimize your plant’s performance, making the most out of the least. Our refiner segment technologies ensure the lowest possible overall costs and our approach is always individually tailored for each production line. The refiner and defibrator segment experts are continuously cooperating with our customers within for example MDF, Wet Hardboard, Doorskin, Wood fiber insulation, Molded fiber and Soil enrichment applications. They are committed to optimizing each refiner and defibrator process which often results in new refiner segment technology. Let us be your co-driver for success

Construction industry

Construction industry

Valmet offers a range of heavy-duty flow control solutions for cement handling in the construction industry, as well as automation solutions that improve process control and reliability.

Automation for filtration

Automation for filtration

Valmet's automation offering is aimed at increasing efficiency and uplift in production. Through our expertise, we provide seamless integration and upgrades, for a long lifecycle approach to automation.

Automation solutions
Service centers

Service centers

Taking best possible care of your equipment is the key to optimal performance of your production line. Valmet’s center network offers you local maintenance and expert services and access to global process know-how and technology through over 120 service centers on five continents. Our skilled and experienced service professionals help you reduce maintenance and operational costs and add profitability.

Valmet Headbox

Valmet Headbox

One of the most important parts of a pulp drying machine is the headbox. The modern wet end features an advanced dilution controlled hydraulic headbox, which ensures an excellent web profile both in cross and machine directions.

Valmet Horizontal Tube Cooking

Valmet Horizontal Tube Cooking

Valmet provides reliable and efficient continuous horizontal tube digesters for cooking of non-woods such as bagasse and straw.

Liquor filter

Liquor filter

The Valmet Liquor Filter effectively separates fibers from the spent liquor. All recovered fiber is returned to the pulping line for additional gain. An investment of a Liquor Filter will reduce fiber loss and ensure continuous economical operation for your evaporators.



Valmet’s unique and wide range of medium consistency pumps enables the most energy and cost-efficient pump choice for each application. The selection consists of two types of pumps: the CM type for feeding bleaching stages and reactors, and the CW type for feeding presses.
