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In Technologies


OptiSizer Film sizing

OptiSizer Film sizing

OptiSizer Film offers a functional and innovative design, based on know-how and long experience. Its simple and reliable design results in easy operation, installation and fast initial start-up.

Board and paper
New opportunities with Valmet sizing

New opportunities with Valmet sizing

The R&D work did not stop after the first OptiSizer Hard was started-up. It was seen as a good place to improve further. There have been a number of pilot trials and the results with a new application method and a new concept combining OptiSizer Hard and OptiCalender Metal Belt seem to be clear.

Board and paper
Valmet Ultrafiltration

Valmet Ultrafiltration

Valmet’s Ultrafiltration process is a solution for paper, board and tissue mills to produce colloid-free, bacteria-free, ultrapure water from white water. The main objectives are to reduce fresh water consumption, improve paper machine runnability, efficiency, and manage energy.

Board and paper
Broke system

Broke system

Smart solutions for efficient broke handling and processing

Board and paper
Parallel flow hydrocyclones

Parallel flow hydrocyclones

Parallel flow hydrocyclones are used for light weight separation, a process that typically requires specially designed equipment.

Board and paper

Contact our board & paper machine experts

We are here to help! For more information, please answer the below questions first. One of our board & paper machine experts will be pleased to contact you.

Board and paper
Enable efficient production of various tissue grades on one machine

Enable efficient production of various tissue grades on one machine

Hybrid tissue technology is an innovative approach that combines the best features of conventional and through air drying technologies. With increased capacity, and improved energy efficiency it is setting new standards in tissue paper production.

IntelliFormer Crescent Former

IntelliFormer Crescent Former

Our proven Crescent Former technology will add premium quality to your products

Valmet Continuous Cooking

Valmet Continuous Cooking

Valmet Continuous Cooking is the first-hand choice for kraft mills pulping wood based raw materials such as hardwoods (eucalyptus, acacia, birch etc.), softwoods (pine, spruce etc.) and bamboo.

Valmet TwinRoll press

Valmet TwinRoll press

Valmet's TwinRoll presses are characterized by excellent washing efficiency, high availability and high output consistency. They also have very high specific capacity resulting in extremely compact installations, which make the TwinRoll presses especially suitable for upgrades.
