Medium Consistency Pumps


Valmet’s unique and wide range of medium consistency pumps enables the most energy and cost-efficient pump choice for each application. The selection consists of two types of pumps: the CM type for feeding bleaching stages and reactors, and the CW type for feeding presses.

Improved efficiency and wide range of sizes

With the introduction of the CM and CW pumps, efficiency is improved by 5-10 % compared with the CMD pump. In addition, these new pumps are designed for a considerably higher operating temperature.

The number of available pump sizes has been increased, which improves the possibility to select the optimal pump. These new pumps are also equipped with efficient degassing systems.

As a result of these advantages, Valmet offers the most efficient MC pump program on the market.

CM Pump

The CM pump is designed to handle pulp consistency 9-14 %. The pump is particularly well suited for applications demanding high stock consistency as in bleaching and oxygen delignification.

CW Pump

The semi-medium consistency pump CW is used for feeding washers at pulp consistencies up to 8%.

Our expertise is at your service

Our expertise is at your service

Our focus is to bring your performance forward utilizing our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of pulp process technology. Get in touch with our experts through your local Valmet office, or the link below.

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