Valmet Liquor Filter

An investment of a Valmet Liquor Filter will reduce fiber loss and ensure continuous economical operation for your evaporators.
Cleaning evaporators cost more than a Valmet Liquor Filter
In pulp mills, fibers in the spent liquor cause scaling in evaporators and concentrators. Recovering these fibers improves the evaporating efficiency and greatly reduces boil-out and cleaning time. The Valmet Liquor Filter effectively separates fibers from the spent liquor. All recovered fiber is returned to the pulping line for additional gain.
Safety Valve
By upgrading evaporator efficiency the filter also acts as a safety valve in the system and traps fibers when a washer facing wire is damaged.
Simple Design
The Liquor Filter consists of a horizontal rotating perforated drum covered with a fine mesh facing wire. The drum is mounted in a vat, and is totally closed with a hood that prevents uncontrolled escape of noxious fumes.
Fibers remaining on the wire are blown off by a low pressure steam shower through the perforated deck. The shower pipe is placed along the inside face of the drum. The fibers are finally washed into the fiber discharge by a spent liquor shower. Depending on the process, the Liquor Filter can be delivered with or without the discharge screw

Our expertise is at your service
Our focus is to bring your performance forward utilizing our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of pulp process technology. Get in touch with our experts through your local Valmet office, or the link below.
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