Metso supplies power boiler to UPM Caledonian for green energy production in Scotland

Published July 3, 2007 10.00.00 +2 GMT

Metso Power, a part of Metso Paper business area, will supply UPM's Caledonian paper mill with a biomass-fired power boiler to the mill's new power plant in Irvine, Scotland. Start-up for the plant is scheduled for the first half of 2009. The value of the order is approximately EUR 40 million. The order is included in Metso's second quarter order backlog.

The power boiler will utilize bubbling fluidized bed technology. The delivery will also include a dry flue gas cleaning system, which improves mill's environmental performance. The boiler will burn CO2 (carbon dioxide) neutral biomass utilizing a combination of wood fuel and site derived residues as its primary fuel.

With this new power plant UPM will continue to reduce carbon emissions by 75,000 tons annually. The company has reduced its production related fossil CO2 emissions by 25% during the last ten years by investing in biomass-based energy generation and in energy efficiency. The new power plant at the Caledonian mill will also significantly assist Scotland in achieving its 2010 national renewables generation target of 18%.

UPM's sales in 2006 were EUR 10 billion, and it has about 28,000 employees. UPM's main products include printing papers, self-adhesive label materials and wood products. The production capacity of the Caledonian mill is 280,000 tons of LWC magazine paper and it employs 360 people.

Metso is a global engineering and technology corporation with 2006 net sales of approximately EUR 5 billion. Its 25,500 employees in more than 50 countries serve customers in the pulp and paper industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries.

Further information for the press, please contact: Kari Remes, General Manager, Sales, Metso Power, tel. +358 40 709 2015