Safe return to the classroom: nearly 70,000 masks donated by Körber were distributed to high school students by the local Civil Protection


Körbers Business Area Tissue’s mask donations continue. Thanks to the help of the Civil Protection of the Province of Lucca, high school classrooms in Lucca have already received nearly 70,000 face masks. The donation was initiated by the company and supported by the Autieri Association of Garfagnana to actively contribute to the fight against COVID - 19 in the area. 

"Thanks to certain companies we have managed to equip some high schools with tablets for distance learning - says the president of the Province of Lucca, Luca Menesini - and now we have made our Civil Protection available for the free distribution of specific masks in the various school complexes. I therefore thank Körber for the sensitivity they have shown. Safety and health protection are a priority for everyone. As a Province we are committed, thanks to the collaboration of school staff, to guaranteeing a completely safe return to school and permanence in class after the Christmas holidays“.
Pupils and school staff will be able to use K.Protect Myfaceroll single-ply masks, which are 100% ecological products made with a particular bamboo-based material that can be disposed of with organic waste. 
“We at Körber are deeply connected to the region and always act both locally and globally”, says Enrico Zino, Marketing Director at the Körber Business Area Tissue. “In these challenging times, our entrepreneurial DNA which is also closely connected to our role in the region, drives us to actively contribute in the local areas and meet people's needs, especially our students who deserve a smooth return to class”.
K.Protect Myfaceroll Facemask is a Körber patent that was developed during the first lockdown in 2020 and shows how fast Körber creates value through ideation and fast execution. Using converting machines (the same ones used to make rolls of toilet paper and kitchen towels) allows Körber customers to produce up to 10,000 facial masks per minute. These single-ply masks are very useful for daily, collective, and community use such as in airports, public transport, shopping malls, supermarkets, grocery stores, and workplaces.