Mauro Luna takes over as President of Körber Business Area Tissue in Latin America


Mauro Luna, Global Head of Sales and Marketing for Körber Business Area Tissue, now takes over as President of Körber Business Area Tissue in Latin America.

As of January 1, 2023, Mauro Luna will assume the position of President of Körber Business Area Tissue in Latin America.

With a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Paulista, Luna completed his studies with a Marketing course at the University of Berkeley, California, and a Master of Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil.

With a career spanning more than 30 years and extensive experience in the industrial and tissue market, Mauro Luna has worked for major companies such as Voith and SKF. He developed his business career starting as Sales and Applications Engineer at Voith Brazil and in the following years he worked as Sales, Marketing and Business Development Director at SKF, where he had the opportunity to assume the position of Executive Director at the company's branch in Peru. For the last 3 years he was in Italy as Global Sales and Marketing Director for Körber's Tissue Business Area.

"With his extensive knowledge and years of management experience, Mauro will drive our growth strategy in the South American region," highlights Oswaldo Cruz, CEO of Körber Business Area Tissue.