Körber partnered with voluntary organization Mirco Ungaretti to deliver a defibrillator to the ISI Pertini School in Lucca


Körber and the voluntary organization Mirco Ungaretti have delivered a semi-automatic defibrillator to the ISI Pertini School in Lucca, thus equipping the school and the area with a safety center.

Körber and the voluntary organization Mirco Ungaretti have delivered a semi-automatic defibrillator to the ISI Pertini School in Lucca, thus equipping the school and the area with a safety center.

The association was founded by Stefano Ungaretti, a Körber Business Area Tissue’s employee: "In 2009 my life changed completely: one of the people dearest to me, my brother Mirco, died of sudden cardiac arrest.  The association that has been named after him for nine years is dedicated to him.”.

The Association has two objectives: awareness-raising and the dissemination of information. In recent years, the Mirco Ungaretti Association has promoted an awareness campaign on the main cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers with the use of defibrillators, especially in schools where, in collaboration with the Lucca Massa and Carrara Department of Studies, the association trained over 29500 students.

Oswaldo J. Cruz, Chief Executive Officer of the Körber Business Area Tissue, comments: “At Körber we are deeply linked to our area, and we always operate both locally and globally, which is why we have been collaborating with the Mirco Ungaretti Association — founded by one of our colleagues —which we have a deep relationship with. Thanks to this association we have already donated several defibrillators to local schools. ”

Prevention for this type of pathology is fundamental, just as training of people is decisive for saving many lives. In recent days the Mirco Ungaretti Association presented the result of their work, highlighting the importance of teacher training in schools, so that they are the ones able to transmit and teach the fundamental life-saving maneuvers to students in their classrooms.

Even within Körber, the Association has activated several courses to teach the emergency team cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques with the use of defibrillators.

“Our company has always been sensitive to the problem of prevention and safety of its workers —says Oswaldo J. Cruz — for this reason it was natural to train our entire emergency team for this widespread disease.”