Körber Business Area Tissue, in collaboration with the Mirco Ungaretti voluntary organization, delivers two defibrillators to the Lucca 5 Institute


Lucca, December 14, 2021 - Körber Business Area Tissue, in collaboration with the Mirco Ungaretti voluntary organization, delivered two additional defibrillators to Saltocchio primary school and to the S. Michele di Moriano primary school today, thus ensuring the health and safety of all the schools that are part of the Lucca 5 Institute.

Lucca, December 14, 2021 - Körber Business Area Tissue, in collaboration with the Mirco Ungaretti voluntary organization, delivered two additional defibrillators to Saltocchio primary school and to the S. Michele di Moriano primary school today, thus ensuring the health and safety of all the schools that are part of the Lucca 5 Institute.

Körber Business Area Tissue’s Chief Executive Officer Oswaldo J. Cruz and Annalisa Pasqualetti from Human Resources were joined by the Institute’s top management, as well as the councilor of the Tuscany Region Stefano Baccelli, the Director of Studies Donatella Buonriposi, the Councilor Ilaria Vietina, the municipal councilors Ciardetti and Cellai and the Stefano Ungaretti Association.

The Association was founded by Stefano Ungaretti, employee of Körber Business Area Tissue, who in 2009 lost his brother Mirco due to sudden cardiac arrest. In recent years the organization has promoted awareness and knowledge of the main cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers using a defibrillator, especially in schools where, in collaboration with the Superintendency of Lucca Massa and Carrara, over 33.000 students have been trained by the association.

Oswaldo J. Cruz, Chief Executive Officer of the Körber Tissue Business Area comments: “At Körber we are deeply tied to our area, and we always operate both locally and globally, which is why we have been collaborating with the Mirco Ungaretti Association, founded by one of our colleagues, with whom we have a deep relationship. Thanks to this association we have already donated several defibrillators to local schools ".

The head teacher Fabrizia Rimanti comments: "This donation is part of an important awareness-raising process which includes the continuous training of staff and children carried out by some teachers of the Institute in collaboration with the Association. The defibrillators will be placed at the disposal and service of the entire community in which the schools are located".