Valmet DNA Basic course

The attendees learn about functions, networks, user interface, displays in the control room, process tasks, I/O-cards, automation language, diagnostics and engineering environment and -system.

Training type
Start date
Oct 23, 2024
End date
Oct 23, 2024
One training day
Tampere, Finland
The attendees learn about functions, networks, user interface, displays in the control room, process tasks, I/O-cards, automation language, diagnostics and engineering environment and -system.
This course provides a comprehensive survey of the operation, structure and operating concepts of Valmet DNA. Basic concepts of maintenance, application planning and the use of the different nodes are examined. Basic structures, use and functions of the equipment and hardware units are presented. After the course, the participant has an overview of Valmet DNA.
Persons responsible for the use, maintenance, planning and programming of Valmet DNA.
Basic knowledge of automation in general is expected (recommendation).
Registration information



Valmet's customers can register to the course. Sign up by email:

Registration information


If you cancel the course less than 30 days before the start of the training, we will charge 50% of the participation fee. If you cancel the course less than 14 days before the start of the training, we will charge the full participation fee. If you do not show up, we will charge the entire participation fee.


We reserve the right to cancel the course if the minimum number of participants is not met.

Deadline for registration
Oct 9, 2024
Tuition fee
833 EUR + VAT


Day 1: 9:00 – 15:00



• Functions

• Networks

• Security

Operator user interface


Engineering system

•DNA Explorer


•Automation language


•Diagnostic tools

Process control


