Pulp and Energy business line

In this section you can find more information on Pulp and Energy business line, such as key figures and market drivers. Pulp and Energy business line is part or the Process Technologies segment. See also our Pulp and Energy at a glance -video and Pulp and Energy's presentation from Capital Markets Day 2023.

The Pulp and Energy business line supplies complete pulp mills and process equipment for chemical and mechanical pulp production, as well as biomass- and waste-fueled power plants, boiler islands, and related environmental systems. Its customers are mainly pulp producers and power and heat producers. The most important geographical markets are Europe, South America and Asia.

Valmet’s pulp production solutions are designed for high raw material efficiency and low chemical and water consumption. Pulp is used mainly as a raw material in producing various paper grades, including board, tissue and printing paper. It is also used for other applications such as textiles and hygiene products. 

Valmet’s energy products include boilers, gasifiers, environmental protection systems, technology rebuilds and fuel conversion projects. Valmet is a leading global supplier of biomass-based heat and power generation solutions. The company also supplies complete medium-scale heat and power plants that use biomass and sorted waste as fuel.

Valmet’s emission control solutions are designed to secure safe operation with low emissions. In addition to pulp and energy applications, we have developed technology for various industrial processes and marine exhaust gas emissions.

Pulp and Energy key figures

Orders received*, EUR million

Percentage (%) of Valmet's orders received

Orders received split by area, % (2023)

Orders received split by business, % (2023)

Net sales* , EUR million

Percentage (%) of Valmet's net sales

Number of personnel*

Percentage (%) of Valmet’s personnel

*2013 figures on a carve-out basis

Market drivers



Market position and market share*


Estimated market size*


Market drivers





EUR 2.0-3.0 bn  
  • Growing demand for sustainable packaging, tissue, hygiene products and textiles
  • Increasing environmental awareness and stricter regulations
  • Fiber-based plastic replacement
  • Demand for second-generation bioethanol and biochemicals
  • Decarbonization in energy production
  • Biomass and residual waste used in heat and process steam production
  • Stricter air emissions legislation and directives




EUR 1.5-2.0 bn  
  • Decarbonization in energy production
  • Biomass and residual waste used in heat and process steam production
  • Stricter air emissions legislation and directives

* As in CMD 2023 materials