North America

In this section you can find information on Valmet's operations in North America

Key figures

Valmet in North America

Market characteristics

  • Mature market with large aging installed base creating service and automation demand, as well as demand for renewals and rebuilds
  • Rebuild and new capacity demand in board and tissue grades. Rebuild and upgrade demand in pulp
  • Continued customer focus on availability, reliability and operating costs, including energy and environmental savings in mills
  • Flow Control demand in various process industries, while expanding service by installed base management

Valmet's position

  • Leading position in pulp and paper process technology
  • Well-established position in the services and automation business

Valmet in North America

  • 6 R&D Centers
  • 32 service centers
  • 11 production units
  • 7 sales offices
  • 2,497 employees
(source: Valmet's Annual Review 2024)