The critical aspects of through air bonding in high quality nonwovens production


Join us for a free webinar that explores the bonding process, and highlights Valmet’s newest innovation, the THRU-AIR® Bonder for Nonwovens.  

Recorded webinar

Demand for nonwovens products and materials are at an all-time high, and industry experts are forecasting additional growth in the years ahead.  As industry trends push nonwovens manufacturing toward lighter weights, faster speeds and wider machines, factors such as quality, versatility and energy efficiency are becoming increasingly more important to nonwovens producers.

In this exclusive webinar for nonwovens producers, attendees can expect to:

  • Gain a brief overview of the core bonding methods commonly used by nonwovens producers 
  • Understand the principles of THRU-AIR® Bonding and how they relate to the production of high-quality nonwovens
  • Identify the important criteria and operating parameters for successful bonding using THRU-AIR® technology
  • Discover Valmet’s long manufacturing legacy for nonwovens bonding equipment, and how it inspires new technology development today
Lynn Violette

Lynn Violette

Manager, Product Management


Lynn is currently the manager of Valmet's Product Management group for THRU AIR® drying and bonding technology in Biddeford with a focus on both tissue and nonwovens. She has been with the company for 24 years in various engineering positions including applications, sales support, process and start up. Prior to Valmet, she used her chemical engineering degree from Northeastern University in the petrochemical industry.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Product Sales Manager, Nonwovens Valmet

In 2015, after many years working in technical and project management roles in the paper and semiconductor industries in Maine, Eric joined Valmet and shifted from technical work to sales work. Eric started his career at SD Warren (now Sappi) after graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in Chemical Engineering. Since joining Valmet, Eric’s sales role has focused on serving the nonwovens industry with Valmet’s THRU-AIR® bonding and drying systems for web production, as well as with Valmet’s HONEYCOMB® rolls for various web processing applications.

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