Valmet technologies help tissue manufacturers & converters integrate sustainability and operational goals


The pulp and paper industry has some inherent sustainability challenges that need to be addressed. For the sake of the planet and responsible business, tissue manufacturers and converters are taking action in finding opportunities for improvement.

Materials are an immediate concern. Finding alternative fiber sources to conserve forests, and substitutes for plastics — a tissue product packaging mainstay — are key initiatives. However, they aren’t the sole focus for OEMs.

Operationally, tissue manufacturers and converters are gaining clarity around better controlling areas of environmental impact without losing efficiencies.

Fuel and energy consumption are typically top of mind because of the high volumes required to operate a tissue production line. Historically, OEMs chalked these types of expenses up to the cost of doing business. Now, concerted effort is being made to choose equipment and suppliers that support both the environment and operational goals.

Valmet innovations are designed to help tissue manufacturers and converters bring sustainability and operations into balance.

A circular economy for embossing rolls

Embossing rolls are large, heavy, and difficult to dispose of in an earth-friendly way. The size and composition of rolls that have reached the end of their practical use generally means they become landfill waste. This further stresses an already overburdened method of trash disposal and a planet in eco-crisis.

Alternately, many manufacturers simply choose to store embossing rolls  on-site to keep them from landfills. This could lead to space issues and potential time and labor inefficiencies should the rolls need to be moved.

Neither choice is desirable, but there is a solution that takes OEMs out of the no-win situation.

Engraving Solutions, Valmet company that specializes in designing and engraving embossing rolls, offers ingenious solutions. The Buy-back and Roll-cycling services promote a circular economy and put money in the pockets of tissue manufacturers.

Here’s how the simple two-part program works:


Engraving Solutions Buy-back is just that — we purchase rolls OEMs no longer use because the patterns have become outdated, or perhaps the OEM simply lacks space to store the unused rolls.

Using the buy-back option means OEMs have the flexibility to re-use old rolls and change embossing patterns more frequently in order to respond to customer and market needs. Also, the body steel rolls are readily available for engraving which shortens the time to market for embossed tissue products.

After the purchase, OEMs can opt to take a final step to complete the circular economy loop:


Engraving Solutions Roll-cycling uses the embossing rolls purchased through Buy-back to produce engraved rolls on regenerated bodies. These repurposed rolls perform at the same level as new rolls  — but without the environmental impact. There’s no dependence on raw materials for construction, CO2 emissions are reduced, and hulking metal rolls aren’t placed in landfills.

In addition, the tissue manufacturer that initially sold the rolls through Buy-back has the right of first refusal on use. The regenerated rolls are offered to them at a reduced price along with immediate access to the blank.

The Engraving Solutions Buy-back and Roll-cycling services are responsible ways for tissue manufacturers to save the planet, time, and money. And, Valmet didn’t stop there.

Valmet experts examined tissue converting processes as a whole, and arrived at several technologies aimed at improving sustainability and overall equipment effectiveness.

3 Valmet technologies that synthesize sustainability and operations

The environmental and operational improvement complexities in tissue production require the dedication of tissue industry leaders, and dynamic technologies:

Embossing: Warm-up Contactless and Warm-Up Contactless Double

Valmet Warm-up Contactless and Warm-up Contactless Double for doubled embossed or laminated products has redefined the tissue embossing process, benefiting both the planet and manufacturers.

The use of induction heating instead of hot liquid methods allows for heating embossing rolls from the outside without physically contacting the rolls. The result? A 60% decrease in energy consumption.

In addition, the Warm-up Contactless technologies require no piping, modified embossing rolls, or internal heating elements. Operationally, that translates to easy installation, quick changeovers, broader product mixes, and safe production — time-saving and profitable operational advantages.

Folded Tissue Production: MTC ITF Change Interfolder

The MTC ITF Change Interfolder is the first folding head capable of modifying folded tissue product cutoff. It capably manages varying product lengths without compromising quality control or OEE.

The innovative interfolder design is the key. Two folding rollers house the cutting function, and the replacement of a single cassette enables simple, fast, and automated cut format changes.

Along with ease of use, the MTC ITF Change Interfolder eliminates two rollers from the traditional interfolder design. This creates better interior vacuum performance while consuming up to 30% less energy.

Packaging: Casmatic Zephyrus

Ecommerce and consumer demand for eco-friendly products has changed the dynamics for tissue manufacturers. Among the most notable obstacles revolve around accommodating a wide range of tissue packaging formats.

The Valmet Casmatic Zephyrus is the solution tissue manufacturers have been waiting for to solve packaging dilemmas. The flexible, modular packaging machine uses delta robots to create mixed product family packs and other in-demand packaging configurations.

From an operational perspective, the Casmatic Zephyrus ensures packaging responsiveness without incurring the expense of packaging line replacement. In addition, Casmatic Zephyrus enhances packaging sustainability by easily processing recycled carton and cardboard, providing reclosable boxes to prevent product contamination, and potentially eliminating secondary packaging for palletization. 

Across markets and industries, sustainability is a top priority. In short, protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. With Valmet innovations, tissue manufacturers and converters don’t have to choose between protecting the environment and achieving operational objectives.