How to create and implement a toilet roll production business plan


By 2028 the global toilet paper market is expected to grow to nearly $40 billion — a jump of nearly 50% from its current value.1 It also represents revenue opportunities totaling roughly $13.4 billion over that same 7-year period.1

It adds up to encouraging news for those considering starting a tissue converting business or current tissue manufacturers contemplating adding or expanding into toilet roll production. While decision makers look to profit potential as a determining factor in toilet roll production feasibility, it shouldn’t be the sole one.

Create a toilet roll production business plan

There are a number of legitimate questions that crop up around toilet roll production. Your answers could reveal your company’s readiness to enter the market.

A toilet roll production business plan is the easiest way to centralize the information needed to examine the big picture and smallest details surrounding the decision. It is also an important document to have to secure financing.

There are any number of business plan templates available for download and use. Regardless of which form you choose to use, the elements are generally the same. A well-considered toilet roll production business plan includes:

  • An industry overview that summarizes the categories, product demand, challenges, economic histories and forecasts, segment growth, investment expectations, and competition
  • An executive summary that details:
    • how and why your company is well-suited for entry into the toilet roll production market
    • the products and services you intend to offer as well as those you currently offer that complement anticipated new production 
  • Mission and vision statements that clearly define aspirations related to toilet roll production, how the initiatives will be supported internally by key stakeholders and externally by key industry partners
  • SWOT and market analyses that are deep dives into company strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities, and market trends that support entry into the vertical
  • Target markets defined by need, distribution channels, opportunities, and your company’s competitive advantage
  • Sales and marketing strategies that include identified sources of income, sales projections for 3 to 5 fiscal years, and alignment of products, positioning, and pricing
  • Budget figures that realistically express the money needed for tissue converting startups, and the sources available for funding
  • Maintenance, growth, and future expansion potential, and the cadence surrounding milestones that trigger these initiatives

Putting the toilet roll production business plan into action

Having a toilet roll production business plan is a solid and necessary first step, but what about putting that plan into action?

There are a number of practical considerations, and preparation is essential to avoid surprises or delays. Ask, research, and answer these questions well before you’re ready to manufacture your first toilet roll:

  • Are your current facilities appropriately sized and located for tissue production?
  • Do your current facilities have appropriate water, drainage, and electrical supplies for tissue production?
  • Who are your raw materials suppliers?
  • What tissue equipment do you have or need?
  • Does your current equipment supplier provide the best machinery, technologies, and support for our short- and long-term needs?

The confidence with which your team can answer these questions will largely determine how and how well your company launches into toilet roll production. Of particular importance is the equipment partners you have in place or you could be playing catch-up while your competition gains market share.

Valmet is a leader in the tissue industry. Our world-class innovations provide you access to the expertise, technologies, and support required to succeed in toilet roll production. Contact the Valmet team to discuss how we can help you grow your business. 

1Allied Market Research, Toilet Paper Market by Type … Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021–2028, August 2021