Rethink the control room

Helping people succeed starts from understanding how they work. By enhancing their workplace experience, we can make work more efficient, and even enjoyable. The key lies in providing tailored toolsets that fit the organization.

In my line of work, I travel a lot and meet people across different roles in our customer organizations. It’s always inspiring to see the passion people bring to their jobs and to see experts in action, collaborating with one another. This dedication is crucial as we face the challenges brought by rapid technology advancements. Today’s systems are becoming smarter at an exponential pace, with a whole range of advanced controls and powerful analytics. Data volumes have surged, and organizations are evolving.

Work itself is changing, calling for a fresh approach to operational frameworks. We should focus on designing processes that support people and their tasks, creating workplaces that are not only functional but also appealing, ergonomic, and comfortable. As tech-savvy younger generations are stepping into the workforce, it’s crucial to develop operating concepts that not only meet current needs but also pave the way for future developments.

But implementing new concepts isn’t always easy. People naturally feel more at ease with what they know, so shifting mindsets takes time and effort. While resisting change is a natural human response, it’s something we can overcome. The key is to involve individuals from diverse roles in the development process, tapping into their expertise to shape essential tools and systems.

We should focus on designing processes that support people and their tasks, creating workplaces that are not only functional but also appealing, ergonomic, and comfortable.

Empower your operators to drive efficiency and sustainability in your production plant by working together to design tools that benefit your entire organization. Through our UX design service at Valmet, we help customer organizations enhance their operations by empowering their teams with the right tools. Let’s join forces to make this a reality.