The Flowrox™ product family, which is known in the mining and metals segment for quality and reliability, has seen a lot during the past year or so. The acquisition by Neles, and subsequent merger with Valmet has made these world-renowned valves and pumps some of the flagship products for a comprehensive offering, which includes flow control solutions, process automation and several other products serving the mining sector.
Moving forward with new expanded offering and renewed Flowrox branding

Strength in unity
Flowrox has rightfully taken its place among the other world-famous product brands in Valmet’s flow control solutions offering. Today, it is just as important to the overall offering as the Neles™, Jamesbury™, Neles Easyflow™, Stonel™ and Valcon™ product brands. R&D and product development is set to continue and our clients, new and old, in the mining and metals, as well as other process industry segments, can rely on the same high quality Flowrox products to be available on the market today, tomorrow, and long into the future.
New upgraded identity, same familiar values
All business operations have been unified, and it has to be said that the transition has been successful beyond our expectations. The final part of the project has been the visual brand alignment, which has given the traditionally red Flowrox pumps and valves the typical blue coloration that all Valmet flow control products have in common. The color of the valves or the font of the Flowrox text on the side may change, but the name and the quality it is synonymous with will remain. We want the Flowrox product range to proudly carry the torch for mining and metals industry excellence under Valmet ownership.
Expanding our offering
It is rare to have a merger and acquisition case where there is zero overlap in the product offering of the two companies. This has been one of those rare cases. The Flowrox pinch valves and knife gate valves were a welcome addition to the existing Valmet offering for the industry, which already included a comprehensive range of valves, actuators, and smart field devices such as valve controllers and limit switches. Valmet also did not previously have slurry pumps in its portfolio.
Certain synergies can of course also be found with Valmet’s other mining and metals offerings as well, from filters and filter cloths to process automation systems such as the Valmet DNA (DCS). All in all, with the addition of the Flowrox product range into our portfolio, we are again a more formidable player when it comes to our overall offering for one of the most demanding applications for flow control technologies.
Opening new doors
There are two key reasons why the Flowrox offering has been able to open new doors for Valmet as a flow control solutions provider in the demanding mining and metals segment. One is the proven, high-quality product offering they bring to the table, while the other one is their reputation and strong established presence in the industry.
It is a well-known fact that the Flowrox product brand name carries a lot of weight in the mining and metals industries. Reaping the benefits of the strong reputation and existing market position is obviously important to us. This merger has opened doors to new customers as well as new geographical markets, such as the North American mining sector.
Set to grow and prosper
The Flowrox product name has an illustrious past. Under Valmet ownership we want to see these products continue to earn the same high praise they have been enjoying for years. The story is set to continue on a positive path of growth and development. We have already seen how well both the people and the products of Flowrox have found their place within their new home as a part of Valmet’s growing portfolio for the mining and metals industry. We expect to go from strength to strength as we keep moving forward together.
We start shipping the blue Flowrox valves and pumps from July 2023 onwards.
Esa Lumme
Director, Metals and mining industry
Flow Control BL