How to maintain peak performance in a gas turbine plant

The worldwide gas turbine market is expected to grow over the long run by 3.5% per annum. This growth is being driven by increasing industrialization and urbanization combined with the rising demand for electricity.

Other factors are also fueling this upward trend. Carbon emission regulations and concern over resource depletion are increasing across the globe. Simultaneously, gas turbine technology has been improving, which enables better power output, increased efficiency and thus lower generation costs.

Ever more often, we’re seeing gas turbines being used to drive large compressors and pumps, proving their growing viability for use beyond typical applications and supporting their long-term growth.

Let’s face the challenges

Although this positive growth makes gas turbines more appealing as a potential investment opportunity, there are challenges.

Insufficient turbine reliability, a typical issue caused by outdated or low-quality components, can hamper a plant’s availability and therefore its overall effectiveness and profitability. Have you secured your plant from costly downtime?

Plus, tightening environmental regulations are putting more pressure on cleaner operations. Can you cost effectively meet the latest emissions goals with your existing technology?

Above all, gas turbines can be part of a risky working environment. High pressures, noise, temperatures, velocity – all pose a threat. Do you have everything in place to operate your plant without compromising safety?

What it takes to run a turbine at peak performance

Power plant operators want their turbines to run at peak performance – sustainably and risk free – at all times. This is the only guarantee of stable profitability.

At Neles, we want to help our customers reach this result and improve their market competitiveness. For this, we supply gas turbines with the most reliable on-off and control valves – a critical element of any plant’s safe and efficient performance.

Customized solutions for any need

A gas turbine includes many different valve types with many characteristics individually and combined. We know these need to be considered from the start to be trustworthy and efficient.

Our solutions offer high capacity, meet the required stroking times and simplify instrumentation. Moreover, our smart solutions help our customers save costs during commissioning and enable predictive maintenance.

Reaching beyond standards

Standards are good to follow. But we also aim to move forward and develop improved solutions beyond standards. Thus, Neles' portfolio for gas turbines also includes newer, intelligent devices.

Digitalization in gas turbine operation is progressing quickly. We already have solutions ready to help you receive and act instantly on extensive condition and real-time performance data. Our unique smart products enable easy data interpretation and analysis.

Equipping you for tomorrow – today

Our goal is clear – to help gas turbine manufacturers and end customers answer the challenges of today and equip them for tomorrow. Our reliable range of gas turbine valves can be specifically selected for the task. With an expert team passionate about what they do, we’re helping customers worldwide enhance performance, profitability and competitiveness. Ask us how.

Text originally published in 2017, and slightly updated in April 2022, due to the company name change to Valmet.