Burgo Verzuolo and Valmet Industrial Internet, case study
Jun 22, 2021
Burgo Verzuolo's paper machine PM 9 is equipped with full scope control and quality systems automation to help monitor machine condition. In addition to the system, the mill utilizes a condition analysis service contract with Valmet to receive expert appraisals of the machine's vibration conditions. A Valmet vibration specialist located a thousand kilometers from the mill in Dörpen, Germany, uses a remote connection to examine machine conditions and prepare a regular report for the mill.
Experts analyze remote information at Valmet Performance Center
Tool for predictive maintenance
Condition monitoring, which covers mechanical condition measurement and the performance of machines based on vibration measurements as well as other machine parameters from the Valmet DNA Process Automation System, is an essential tool for the mill's predictive maintenance. While the mill has access to the various tools the system provides, expert vibration analysis is a very skilled function, requiring both extensive training and experience. Freed from the day-to-day maintenance activities at the mill, the Valmet expert can focus on examining trends or other changes in the vibration spectra the system measures and advise the mill of where to focus maintenance resources. If he finds a problem, his expert analysis allows time to plan, order spare parts if necessary and avoid unplanned downtime.
Advance alerts
There are also occasions when a system alarm alerts the mill to a problem which requires immediate expert analysis. Recently, a dryer cylinder vibration raised concern, and at the mill's request Valmet's expert was able to remotely examine the situation and give advice about the severity of the problem. Based on the investigation the mill was able to take preventive action.
The Valmet expert has also been able to alert the mill to problems before they emerge: during one regular check, a severe imbalance at the second press (more than 20 mm/s and getting worse) made it necessary to contact the mill urgently. The machine was stopped immediately, and several loose screws, some of which were completely missing, were discovered on a cardan shaft. The mill's quick response to the warning avoided both serious damage and a longer unplanned shutdown.
Valmet expert services via Industrial Internet provided to Burgo Verzuolo mill
- Analysis and diagnosis support
- Periodic checking for alarms and deviations
- Periodic reporting with recommendations
- Supporting machine runnability with special tools
- Supporting effective mill maintenance scheduling
- Improving safety by revealing the risk of damages
Valmet DNA automation system
Valmet DNA is a single Distributed Control System (DCS) for all your process automation needs. It gives you complete control of all your processes and provides user experience and transparency that go far beyond traditional automation systems. Valmet DNA can be applied for process controls, machine controls, drive controls, and quality controls. Information management is an integrated part of the platform along with mechanical and field device condition monitoring. The single system architecture saves on both costs and effort while ensuring open growth for your future challenges.
Valmet DNA Machine Monitoring provides condition monitoring information for process operators and maintenance personnel through one common user interface.
Valmet Performance Centers are an easy-access channel for our customers to Industrial Internet applications and remote services. Our expertise is easily available for you through the Performance Centers. Our specialists have a deep understanding of machinery, processes and automation and with remote connections and tools, we can offer the needed support and guidance without delay – and more broadly than before. Remote services are also a key element of Valmet Industrial Internet - VII solutions.
For more information on remote assistance and monitoring for your mill, contact your Valmet representative.