Respectful work environment is rooted in our culture

Jul 21, 2023

Diogo Cavani from Sorocaba site in Brazil is responsible for projects business within South and Central America in Valmet’s Flow Control Business Line. We discussed with Diogo about his work career so far and what he thinks of Valmet’s culture.

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What has your career path been like? 

I studied Mechatronics Engineering in a local university and later I educated myself with an MBA study focusing on Strategic People Management.  

In 2010, I joined the former Metso Automation as an Intern for Application Quotation Team. Soon I worked with quotations for countries outside of Brazil within the Market Area. During one year, I have worked also in Peru to support local business there, and while returning to Brazil I then transferred to Project Business Unit having now the honor of leading this BU in South and Central America.  

My year in Peru was excited and important for my career, as I gained a broad work experience, although in the beginning, the cultural differences challenged me. 

What challenge were you particularly pleased with improving or solving here at Flow Control? 

One important challenge I am proud to be part of (I say part, because it is a work where several persons were involved) is the technical explanation we did to an important Pulp & Paper Customer Klabin. This technical work proves that our valves have a higher CV (Flow Capacity) in comparison with our competitors, so we can use a smaller valve, given efficiency to the customer with a smaller price level and this economy is not only in valves, but in all the pipeline, keeping the mill lighter. This action supports us winning several P&P Projects.    

What was your dream profession when you were little? 

When I was little, I really liked animals, but my love for numbers was bigger, so I could not choose anything less than Engineering studies. 

Do you have a nice memory or experience about working at Flow Control that you would like to share? 

After 13 years, I have many nice memories, but I could highlight my first meeting in the former headquarters in Vantaa. I attended a product training and visited Vantaa factory, and during the shopfloor tour I was lucky to witness a cryogenic valve testing. That was overly exciting. 

What is the best career lesson that you would like to share with others? 

A career lesson that I am always sharing with others is the fact that everything changes, and extremely fast, so you always need to be prepared for changes. To have resilience is one of the most important qualities on my opinion. 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

On my free time, I like to be with my family, watching movies or having barbecues. Previously, I was participating in a Runner Team, but I stopped now, although it is something to which I need to return. 

How would you describe Valmet’s culture to your colleagues? 

We have a good and respectful work environment in Valmet, which is positive to keep people motivated and engaged to work and thus, support our customers.  

This or that  

Morning meetings or evening meetings? 

Evening meetings, because in the morning I spend some time to organize my day and solve pending topics, so evening meetings work better for me.  

Dine in or dine out? 

Dine out, because I like to experience new restaurants, and I’m not a good cooker, by the way. 

City or countryside? 

I like both, but in general, I can answer City, as I really like technology, the infrastructure provided by cities appeal to me better. 

Books or movies?  

I really like to watch movies.