How Explorer the Seas improved its operational efficiency with Valmet DNA

Aug 22, 2024

Explorer of the Seas recently upgraded its control system from Valmet Damatic XD to Valmet DNA, a move that has significantly enhanced its operational efficiency and management.


With over four decades of experience in the marine industry, Marco Pastori, Chief Electrical Engineer for Royal Caribbean’s Explorer of the Seas, has seen the evolution of vessel control systems firsthand —from the basic generator control units (GCUs) of the 80s to today's advanced automation systems that reshape how vessels are operated.

“Transitioning to Valmet DNA allowed us to integrate the incinerator, black water system, cold rooms, and HVAC into a single system,” says Pastori. 


Marco Pastori, Chief Electrical Engineer for Royal Caribbean’s Explorer of the Seas  


Previously, managing various obsolete PLCs was a major challenge. Now, everything is streamlined and up to modern standards, making our operations more efficient and reliable.”

The similarity in logic to its predecessors and modern user interface (UI) make Valmet DNA intuitive and easy to operate.

Pastori explains: “You can forget about managing complicated alarm tags in a separate unit, which sometimes failed and caused data to be lost. In Valmet DNA, everything is included in the same system.”

Valmet DNA on the bridge 

For Royal Caribbean, Valmet DNA’s stand-out feature is a trend history analyzing tool Tracer, which makes it easy to identify and address problems quickly.

Pastori elaborates: “With everything recorded, we can easily access historical data and monitor various parameters, which is crucial for diagnostics and operational efficiency. For example, if there's a problem with the power generator, I can quickly trace several events like power, current, and voltage, all displayed in a single timeline.”

Tracer also allows Royal Caribbean to export historical data into Excel for further analysis, either as separate alarms or grouped by specific moments in time.

Moreover, Royal Caribbean has invested in improving its ships’ energy efficiency, with the Valmet DNA system enabling them to monitor how efficient their ships are both before and after making improvements.

Facts-based decision making

Pastori emphasizes the value of Valmet’s clear and comprehensive instructions: “There’s an explanation for every process, and updates come with revised drawings. You can trace every single thing within the automation system and understand how it works. You can also see which sensors belong to each control unit. It’s just beautiful. As an electrician, I always base my decisions on facts, not opinions. There’s no other way.“

The marine industry’s preference for Valmet DNA is no coincidence—it’s the result of years of dedicated research and development together with maritime customers and the deployment of hundreds of Valmet control systems on ships. Our commitment to creating safe and future-proof technology meets the needs of marine professionals.

“My preference continues to be Valmet,” Pastori concludes.