Navigating the control system upgrades: How are they done on ships?
Sep 1, 2024
Upgrading a Damatic XD system to Valmet DNA is typically carried out in stages. The first stage involves upgrading the user interfaces, the system communication network, and the process controllers and gateway stations. The second stage then focuses on upgrading the I/O level. Let's explore each stage in detail below.

Stage 1: Upgrading user interfaces and modernizing system communication networks
In the first stage, we begin by installing new operator station computers equipped with DNA Operate UI, along with new monitors and operating devices. The outdated coaxial cable-based system bus is replaced with a modern Ethernet-based system communication network with ring topology.
If necessary, we use Ethernet routers to segment machinery and HVAC systems into different VLANs. Additionally, we establish a dedicated demilitarized zone (DMZ) network to link administrative computers and printers, separated from the automation system LAN.
Next, we upgrade the VME-based process controllers and gateway stations to Valmet ACN industrial computers. The operating system software is upgraded to the latest versions. The existing Damatic XD I/O groups and the associated fieldbus network are connected to the new process controllers via network adapters.
Lastly, we replace the current distributed power supply system (SPUC) for VME stations with a new UPS solution.
Stage 2: Comprehensive overhaul of I/O racks and fieldbuses
In large automation projects, the second stage of upgrading Damatic XD systems to Valmet DNA involves a thorough overhaul of I/O racks and fieldbuses. This is often completed in smaller steps, upgrading one group of I/O cabinets at a time. Taking a step-by-step approach ensures the ship has spares until all I/O racks are replaced.
During the I/O upgrade of Damatic XD systems, we replace the I/O racks with Valmet DNA ACN I/O groups. The fieldbus network is upgraded to 100 Mbps Ethernet, connecting the I/O group bus controllers to the process controller. Outdated relay terminal boards for digital output signals are replaced with new ones, while input terminal boards can be retained and connected with the new I/O groups using an adapter. We also upgrade the existing field power supplies (FPUS) to a new distributed UPS solution.
Implementing a history server for data collection and long-term storage is integral to most upgrade projects and highly valued by our customers. The server includes powerful tools for analyzing data and events to support crew members in fault detection, problem solving, and analyzing machinery system efficiency.
Additionally, the history server enables historical data playback directly on operator station mimic displays, making it easy to trace past events. The history server tools also include reporting functionalities.
Upgrading Metso DNA Systems
When upgrading from a Metso DNA system, which features PC-based operator stations and VME platform-based process controllers and gateway stations, the process is similar to that of upgrading Damatic XD systems.
For Metso DNA systems using older ACN computers, the upgrade typically involves installing new computers for operator stations and ensuring they’re updated to the latest ACN computer versions. If needed, Ethernet switches within the system communication network can also be replaced.
Ensuring efficiency and security in system upgrades
One of the biggest benefits of upgrading from Damatic XD or Metso DNA systems to Valmet DNA is the ability to reuse application software. This means that the original logical functions and calculations remain unchanged, reducing the need for extensive testing and verification of process functionalities. If needed, modifications to the application software can still be implemented.
Cybersecurity plays an important role in every upgrade process. It ensures a secure network architecture with perimeter security, security updates for network devices, and secure remote connections. Endpoint security measures include computer hardening, operating system security updates, virus/malware protection, and backup and recovery. Additionally, we offer a wide range of cybersecurity services to our customers.
Learn more about Valmet DNA, our Distributed Control System (DCS) for process automation, here.

Per Lie Syvertsen
The author, Per Lie Syvertsen, is a Sales Product Manager at Valmet with 40 years of expertise in marine automation.