LuleKraft is well prepared for the IE directive
Sep 22, 2015
As of January 2016, all existing large combustion power plants in the EU area will have to abide by the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). One of the forerunners in Sweden in fulfilling the new emission monitoring and reporting requirements is LuleKraft AB in Luleå.

Emission monitoring is by far nothing new at LuleKraft. In fact, the plant has been using Valmet's DNA LCP Emission Monitoring solution since in 2006. In 2013, the company decided to upgrade its solution to meet the tightening LCP directive requirements well before the actual deadline.
LuleKraft produces 770 GWh of district heat, 600 GWh of electricity, 100 GWh of drying gas for bio pellets and 30 GWh of process steam annually. The company is equally owned by SSAB, a highly specialized global steel company, and Luleå Energi, a local energy utility. The power plant runs on process gas from SSAB's steel plant and a small amount of heavy oil. Thanks to this fuel concept, the company can offer its customers Sweden's lowest district heat prices and the smallest possible environmental impact.
Good cooperation in the past
Linus Alström, Manager, |
Cooperation between Valmet and LuleKraft in automation solutions goes back a long way. The plant processes are controlled with Valmet's DNA automation system that features an integrated information system as part of the emission monitoring application.
"We had good experiences with Valmet's earlier environmental monitoring solution," says Linus Alström, Manager, Electrical Maintenance, LuleKraft. "As we wanted to integrate and coordinate our control system and process monitoring as much as possible, Valmet was a natural choice to carry out the upgrade, too. Our goal was to integrate process monitoring with the automation system for easy use and access. Therefore, it's an obvious advantage to use the same supplier."
Sara Kågebjer, Environmental Coordinator, agrees and continues: "We have been very pleased with both the support and technical solutions that Valmet has supplied us with in the past."
Emission monitoring in a 24-hour time frame
In 2013, Valmet audited LuleKraft's existing DNA LCP Emission Monitoring solution and upgraded it to include new features to fulfill the IED requirements. The company wanted to be well prepared for them as well as to learn new practices and explore ways to keep its emissions under the tightening limit values.
"The main benefit is that we have changed the time frame for emission monitoring from 48 hours to 24 hours in accordance with the new directive and also included carbon monoxide monitoring. The solution is now totally compatible with the IED and the dynamic emission limit values occurring when we mix our fuel," Kågebjer notes.
"At this point, we use the new solution on a monthly basis for in-house monitoring, process optimization and authority reporting. The reports from the upgraded LCP monitoring solution act as an information base for our annual report that we send to the Swedish authorities for environmental surveillance. The solution provides us with enough emission information and saves time as reporting is now simpler. The experience we've gained so far has been positive."
In accordance with the Swedish national legislation, Valmet's emission monitoring and reporting solution also includes a NOx emission calculation. "Although regulatory demands are the main reason for us to monitor the NOx emissions, we can also show how our low emission levels are," Alström points out. "We use the solution to optimize our processes, as low NOx levels indicate the right amount of air in the combustion process."
Good cooperation and support
Valmet has extensive expertise in emission monitoring solutions – a factor appreciated by the many plants that use them in their operations. "LuleKraft is very happy with both the system and environmental expertise provided by Valmet," Alström says. "Our cooperation during the upgrade was good, and we are very satisfied with the way Valmet solved the issue with the new LCP emission monitoring solution. Valmet has always listened closely to our demands and ideas that we have put forward during our projects."
LuleKraft can look confidently towards January 2016, as it is now well prepared for the new directive.
For more information: Maria Nurmoranta
maria.nurmoranta (at)