DeviceNet products

DeviceNet products

Valve Communication Terminal (VCTs)

Axiom AN/ANX
Axiom AX (discontinued; replaced with ANX)
Eclipse EN / EG
Quartz QX / QN
Prism PI


    Model # Description Manuals
Junction Module Enclosure for Bus Components   JX JM units Junction Module enclosure for bus components JX / JM
FieldBlock Enclosure for Bus Network components   FN units FieldBlock enclosure for bus components FN
FieldRack Enclosure for Bus Network components   FR units FieldRack enclosure for bus components N/A

Drop Connector modules

Model # Description Manual
DR461053A Passive Multi-drop (1-2) N/A
DR465002A Passive Multi-drop (1-2); DIN Rail N/A
DR461117A Power Protected Drop Switch (1-1) N/A
DR465009A Power Protected Drop Switch (1-1); DIN Rail N/A
DR465038A Passive Multi-drop (1-6); DIN Rail acrobat_reader_50x50
DR465042A Power Protected Multi-drop (1-6; 240mA); DIN Rail acrobat_reader_50x50
DR465046A Switched / Power Protected Multi-drop (1-6; 240mA); DIN Rail acrobat_reader_50x50


Power supplies

Model # Description Manual
PS459038A 8.0A Power Supply N/A
PS459036A 3.8A Power Supply N/A



Model # Description
GW458094A DeviceNet Gateway
GW458098A DeviceNet Dual Channel Gateway
GW458096A DeviceNet Dual Channel (1 power supply) Gateway
GW458118A DeviceNet Gateway, C1D2
GW458120A DeviceNet Dual Channel Gateway, C1D2
GW458122A DeviceNet Dual Channel (1 power supply) Gateway, C1D2


I/O and Relay I/O modules

Model # Description Manual
IM461007A 2DI/2DO/1AI acrobat_reader_50x50
IM465012A 2DI/2DO/1AI; DIN Rail acrobat_reader_50x50
IM461084A 2DI/2Relay Out/1AI (Independent) acrobat_reader_50x50
IM465019A 2DI/2Relay Out/1AI (Independent); DIN Rail acrobat_reader_50x50
IM461083A 2DI/2Relay Out/1AI (Interlocking) acrobat_reader_50x50
IM465018A 2DI/2Relay Out/1AI (Interlocking); DIN Rail acrobat_reader_50x50



Model # Description Manual
CK464002A DeviceNet™ Commissioning Kit and Software N/A
AC461139A DeviceNet™ terminator N/A