Valmet Boiler Tube Deposit Inspection


Excessive scale deposit on boiler tubes results in costly energy losses and excessive boiler unavailability. Valmet's Boiler Tube Scale Deposit Measurement Program is an effective inspection service that will enhance your program and help us better understand the deposition within your boiler.

Valmet service that measures and records the thickness of internal boiler tube deposit layers in boiler waterwall tubing. The nondestructive service uses ultrasonic technology and proprietary software to accurately measure the thickness of the deposit layer for a more accurate chemical cleaning strategy. There are numerous benefits to this approach, most notably the ability to measure tube scale deposit thickness with a direct correlation to the standard Deposit Weight Density (DWD) method.

Customer Case Study

Customer Case Study

To keep recovery boilers operating at peak efficiency, mill operators rely on information and partners they can trust. Learn how Valmet Field Service made a positive impact on a recent boiler tube inspection.

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Boiler Tubing and Custom Tube Shields

Boiler Tubing and Custom Tube Shields

Valmet is a global solutions company you can rely on for the supply of all your boiler tubing requirements. Valmet offers a wide range of stock materials and can also assist you in sourcing nonstandard tubes and special mill orders for larger quantities.

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