How does a Valmet Bale Tester work

Reliable and real time measuring system for incoming recycled bales


With Valmet Bale Tester, the content of moisture, plastics, ashes and lignin can be obtained through a random, standardized and reliable procedure. This allows the mill operators to evaluate the quality of the supply by objective means and improve the raw material quality, reducing rejections and optimizing the paper-making process.

Operating principle

Valmet Bale Tester has been in the market for over 20 years and has a large, global installed base. It is an equipment with a measuring device that has a drill that penetrates to the bale on a truck or on the belt, making a hole in it and extracting the sample from the bale. The measured bale and the drill location are selected randomly. Measuring is based on near-infrared sensor (NIR) technology. It is a reliable and real-time measuring system and provides information for mill operations resulting in production cost savings and the capability to improve the recycled fiber line itself.

Daily measurements for the first two months are recommended to help you to evaluate the quality of the provided supply by objective means. This will enable your team to make informed decisions and improve the mill processes.  

Valmet Bale Tester models

 Valmet has four Valmet Bale tester models available. Model is selected based on mill requirements.