Valmet coating and sizing chemical systems

The intelligence under paper and board making lines with coating and sizing chemical systems

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Valmet is a genuine one-stop supplier of sizing and coating technology, including related chemical systems. The intelligence behind paper and boardmaking lines can be found in the elements that go beneath and below the machine themselves. For example, a functioning air removal system is essential in a coating or sizing supply system to reach the desired level of end product quality.

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Want to talk to our chemical system experts?

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Optimized mechanical design and automation guarantees functionality in all conditions, especially during start-up and after web breaks. The cleanliness of equipment and piping receives special attention in the design of chemical systems, along with energy efficiency, minimizing effluents, and recovery.

Surface size and coating color preparation systems

OptiStarch and OptiColor surface size and coating color preparation systems cover complete coating kitchens, comprising unloading, processing and storage of coating color components, metering and dosing of components in the mixer, and storage of products. The process includes optimized equipment for sub-processes like agitating, metering, screening and mixing. Coating color recovery systems based on Valmet's ultrafiltration technology can also be included in order to recycle effluents containing coating. Valmet's technology offers a safe way to reuse recovered coating without any additional chemicals, minimizing coating color losses.

Starch or coating color supply systems

OptiSupply starch or coating color supply systems are available for every type of coating heads and size presses on the market. Valmet has equipment for any supply system including machine tanks, pressure screens, deaerators, automated coarse strainers and effluent recovery systems. For demanding applications, several double and return flow screening concepts will be added to the system.

The underlying intelligence for sizing and coating technology

OptiSupply supply systems exist for every type of coating head and size press on the market. Valmet has equipment for any supply system: machine tanks, pressure screens, deaerators, automated coarse strainers and effluent recovery systems. For demanding applications, several double and return flow screening concepts are available.

Uniform coating quality

OptiSupply supply systems give uniform coating quality because of uniform and low-pulse supply. The systems are equipped with efficient pressure screening and air removal. Automatic flushing sequence keeps the coating station or sizer clean. In size application, the supply system has return flow pressure screening. 
Planning a rebuild?

Planning a rebuild?

Rebuilding a paper or board machine can improve the competitiveness of your business. But where do you start?

Download our e-book

Planning a grade conversion?

The world is changing fast; the consumption of newsprint and printing paper is decreasing and the consumption of containerboards or cartonboards are increasing. An old paper machine can be updated with a grade conversion rebuild to produce more profitable products. Turn a new page for your paper machine with the help from Valmet.

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Interested in pilot trials?

We offer the opportunity to experiment and develop paper and board products and processes without having to put your own production on hold. This is very cost-efficient compared to expensive tests in your own production. Follow the activities in the trials on site or remotely through live streaming cameras.

Contact our pilot trial experts