Online constituent and total ash measurements

Valmet IQ Ash Measurements

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Using advanced X-ray technology, Valmet IQ Measurements for constituent and total ash help you optimize and control ash.

Control ash and related quality properties with reliable online measurements

Lower furnish costs and reduce startup waste

Use real-time ash measurements to reach on-spec production faster

For total ash measurement in papers containing clay or other fillers, the Valmet IQ Total Ash Measurement delivers accurate, high-resolution CD profiles of total ash in papers containing clay or other fillers. Air density, temperature and other variables that may affect the measurement are automatically compensated through intelligent diagnostics and processing.

For controlling ash constituents as well as total ash, we offer the Valmet IQ X-Ray Ash Measurement. With the simultaneous online measurement of total ash and each individual ash constituent, Valmet IQ X-Ray Ash Measurement enables exact furnishing control.